January Meeting, Who Is Bringing What?

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January Meeting, Who Is Bringing What?

Post by JLW »

Wow, so no one has started this thread yet?

The January meeting is going to be on aquarium automation, and I thought it would be sad if we didn't have any aquarium automation to give away.
So, I will be bringing a brand new Apex A3 JR controller. You can read more about it at:
https://www.bulkreefsupply.com/a3-apex- ... stems.html?

This is an incredible entry level controller from Neptune Apex which was designed in no small part with you freshwater nerds in mind. It is a complete computer that monitors your aquarium, and includes a temperature and pH probe. The temperature probe is a great way to add a layer of safety to those used heaters you people keep buying at auction. ;) You can set it up to get an alert on your phone when the temperature reaches al dente. It also features a solid surface leak detector, which will send you an alert whenever your do a water change, and the new optical water level sensor. The water level sensor is really only useful if you're using a sump, but I've seen some interesting set-ups using it in tank, which I'm sure Rick can talk more about. The system hooks right up to your WiFi.

The Apex JR is an entry unit because it doesn't include all the equipment you really need to automate your tank -- you'll need to buy some expansion modules to really get it to do any of the awesome possible automation the system can do, such as an EB832 control board (which would allow you to automatically turn heaters, or CO2 off). If I happen to have an extra EB832 floating around, I may bring that as well.

This is a donation, from your friendly, neighbourhood Batfish, as well as from Neptune Systems, the makers of Apex! If you've heard me talk about Apex systems, you know that I really think we should all be using things like this on our tanks -- and I'm sure you'll learn a lot more about these and other ways to automate the tank from Rick this Saturday.

And I guess I'll maybe bring some brownies or something.
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Re: January Meeting, Who Is Bringing What?

Post by scientist0724 »

I will bring homemade cornbread as Rick said that they were planning to make some chili...and plants...

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Re: January Meeting, Who Is Bringing What?

Post by Linus_Cello »

I’ll bring grapes and chips.
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Re: January Meeting, Who Is Bringing What?

Post by Tim_Koles »

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Re: January Meeting, Who Is Bringing What?

Post by Cristy Keister »

I want to give a big Thank You! to Joshua Wiegert and Neptune for donating the brand new Apex thst I bought at the auction. It was an incredible gift and I'm looking forward to using it on the paludarium that I'm setting up.
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Re: January Meeting, Who Is Bringing What?

Post by scientist0724 »

Thank you for thanking Josh.

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