Thailand Biotope-ish for the new tank?

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Thailand Biotope-ish for the new tank?

Post by kerokero »

What plants would you recommend for a Thailand rice paddy/floodplain biotope-ish tank?

For those of you that made it to the January meeting, you likely know the tank I'm talking about! A lovely 60cm x 45cm x something cm tall tank (roughly 30ish gallons) that I got from the ever lovely Jen :D

There are some fish I just absolutely need in my life, and they are the small chatty type. Trichopsis ;) aka Croaking Gourami of the various species. I'm looking at doing floodplains/rice paddy area that would include my other favorite group of fish - Boraras! Given the other species I want to have in here being strictly from Thailand (Trigonostigma somphongsi because I love a project) which schools with Boraras urophthalmoides, Rasbora borapetensis (likely too big for this tank), and Amblypharyngodon chulabhornae (not even in the hobby?), I'm wondering what plants from these types of areas are candidates for this set up tank?

- Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae is actually from the same river system as T. somphongsi, but not generally found in the rice paddies. I'm tempted to try it as an emersed grown plant that forms some "above water" fun, especially since that fish may actually spend part of it's year in the river proper.
- Rice paddy photos seem to indicate lilies or barclaya?
- Most of the plants infesting rice paddies also seem to also be on the local invasive plant lists :shock:
- Looks like I can collect Murdannia keisak within an easy bike ride of my house :oops:
- Guppy Grass I don't think is the right species of Najas, but the genus is evidently another rice paddy weed.
- Salvinia seems to be the floating plant mostly referenced?
- Stem plants. I'm clueless. Please sent help.

I'm hoping for dark substrate (recommendations welcome, otherwise pool filter sand with leaves over it is an option), sponge filtration, and I don't mind the plants getting a little wild and growing out the top depending on how the hardscape goes. Lighting may end up being low to medium due to how my core fish like spending time between stems and in the shadow of plants above them. I'm trying to branch out from straight blackwater tank that I have done a lot of and to experiment a bit :lol: which is why I didn't go with Borneo species.

If you're interested in where I'm getting biotope info - here is the link the the deep water rice field with water parameters and fish listings - ... 71-474.pdf
Best, Corey
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Re: Thailand Biotope-ish for the new tank?

Post by scientist0724 »

How about actually planting some rice shoots or some taro? I also read that the Thai Birds Eye Chili is grown in or next to rice paddies. ... _creek.htm ... ut-sakhon/

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Re: Thailand Biotope-ish for the new tank?

Post by kerokero »

I'm wondering if I have enough light to pull of rice or taro :lol: they are light hogs! I do know I can get some smaller rice and taro/colocasia that won't eat my house (I used a taro leaf as an umbrella in the Philippines :shock: ). I was thinking the stemmy Murdannia might be a twiggy surrogate for rice?

Or forget the rice and just do the floodplain muddy puddle look with whatever I can find that may be from that area-ish :roll:
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Re: Thailand Biotope-ish for the new tank?

Post by Tim_Koles »

Back in the day I got some Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae from Kris. Not sure if he still has it or not. I dont as it went south like most crypts I try submerged.
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