AGA Volunteers Needed!

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Re: AGA Volunteers Needed!

Post by krisw »

Thanks Christine! We'll definitely take you up on that!
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Re: AGA Volunteers Needed!

Post by seiji64 »

I plan to arrive there Friday around 8am and will be available most of that day, aside from the Nano tank workshop.
I'd like to attend the talks on Saturday. But if they will be recording them, I am open to skipping some to fill in wherever as needed.
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Re: AGA Volunteers Needed!

Post by Becca »

If help is still needed at registration or sales, I could probably put in a few hours, but I am not able to actually register for the convention. Still, it'd be nice to see everyone. If you're that desperate for help, let me know, and I'll see if I can arrange child care.
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Re: AGA Volunteers Needed!

Post by krisw »

Hi Becca,

I wouldn't say we're desperate, but particularly if you weren't planning to attend the speaker sessions, other volunteers would very much appreciate you taking some slots during the day. Thanks so much!

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Re: AGA Volunteers Needed!

Post by Becca »

krisw wrote:Hi Becca,

I wouldn't say we're desperate, but particularly if you weren't planning to attend the speaker sessions, other volunteers would very much appreciate you taking some slots during the day. Thanks so much!

Revision - What if I do the desk for the 2nd speaker block on Saturday? I'm 1.5 hours away, so I doubt I'd get there early enough to help out in the morning, but I could sit registration from 2 until 5 or 6 and still be home in time to help the hubs with dinner.
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Re: AGA Volunteers Needed!

Post by krisw »

Thank you to all of the volunteers that came out this weekend! You really helped us put on a great event, and made it so that the organizers actually got to enjoy it too. GWAPA really stepped up as a group to show why people consider us one of the best clubs in the US.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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Re: AGA Volunteers Needed!

Post by sns26 »

What a great event. I was proud to be a GWAPA member. Many of us helped...but Kris and the other principal organizers (Jen, Arlene...I'm sure I'm missing others) really knocked it out of the park. I can't even imagine the amount of time and work you must have put into it.
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Re: AGA Volunteers Needed!

Post by Judi »

It was my first AGA convention ever, and I had a blast. Thanks to those people who worked so hard to make it happen. Things were really well organized, and seemed to go quite smoothly (at least from my perspective --I'm sure it didn't always feel all that smooth to those of you who were running things!)
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