cutting a wedge in glass aquarium cover

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cutting a wedge in glass aquarium cover

Post by shireen »

I just set up an Eheim aquastyle 35l and ran into an annoying problem with the heater. The glass cover is such a snug fit that there is no space to run a heater cord (heater is also an Eheim, so much for compatibility!). A photo is attached.

A Google search showed that this is a known problem. I've emailed Eheim support to ask how I could "fix" the problem -- I don't expect any useful advice, just wanted to make some noise about it. It is amazing that a reputable company would overlook such an obvious design flaw. :(

My question: does anyone know how I could saw a small wedge into the glass to accomodate the heater cable? If it's possible to smoothen the edges so it does not cut into the heater cord, that would be a bonus. If not, I'll figure out something to protect the cord, like duct tape? :o

I called CTE Aquatics in Timonium to ask if they had any glass cutting equipment. The lady who answered the phone said it requires a diamond tip saw, which they don't have.

Does anyone know where I can take the cover to get it cut? It's such a small cut that I can't justify purchasing equipment to do it.


Shireen Gonzaga
Cockeysville, MD
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Re: cutting a wedge in glass aquarium cover

Post by GOT MTS? »

A friend and I recently drill a half inch thick tank and it was suprisingly easy. I had never done it before. We started by using a hole saw and cutting a hole in a scrap piece of 1/4 inch thick wood. We cut the hole the same size as our diamond tip hole saw to act as a guide. We then used duck tape to tape our guide in place over where we wanted our hole. My friend drilled while I misted the bit with a spray bottle. It was EZPZ. We did it right in my living room. I am sure you could do the same. Just tape your guide over the edge and make half a cut. Start slow and then raise rpm after the bit bites. And where ear protection, it's really loud.
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Re: cutting a wedge in glass aquarium cover

Post by shireen »

Thanks MTS. I don't have a diamond tip hole saw. :(
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Re: cutting a wedge in glass aquarium cover

Post by shireen »

Would something like this work? It's a hand glass cutter that uses oil for lubrication. It would be worth the buy because I'm interested in learning stained glasswork. ... ass+cutter
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Re: cutting a wedge in glass aquarium cover

Post by GOT MTS? »

I really have no idea how that will work. I did see a diamond hole saw set with 1/2" and 1" bit for under 6 bucks on amazon
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Re: cutting a wedge in glass aquarium cover

Post by tug »

A Dremel tool might have something you could also use for your glass work later. A heavy electric drill option would be less likely to overheat.
The wood mold is a great idea when drilling, providing stability during the cut.

It my be possible to score it and chip it off with the right tools. A small imperfection is about the worst that can happen but be careful.
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