I have a mystery Mr. Amano

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Re: I have a mystery Mr. Amano

Post by 150EH »

The Apistos could have just picked at the juvinile Amano's until they were dead and some Cherry's are smart enough to dart away when being preyed upon but after lights out in my tank all hell breaks loose and it's a feeding frenzy on small inverts. You should try and establish a little nano tank in your house, they fit almost anywhere and cost about $150 to get up and running, then you can have a shrimp only tank. After they mature and breed you can try and introduce some larger females into your fish tank and see if the size helps any.
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Re: I have a mystery Mr. Amano

Post by sfarkhan »

My intention was to have amano shrimp deforesting algae, not a shrimp tank - unless I decide on a crazy expensive shrimp.

I found an amano in the tank today! I think it's an amano. along side a cherry. So some survived...
IMG_3043.JPG (175.99 KiB) Viewed 3939 times
Now I'm at a total loss as to why I lost that many initially. Could it be a large difference in water conditions that shocked them to death?
IMG_3042.JPG (159.42 KiB) Viewed 3939 times
Shahriar (Shah-ry-are)
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Re: I have a mystery Mr. Amano

Post by jweis »

Yep, that is an Amano. Usually Amanos are tough little buggers.

Looks like you have some of the same terrible algae that I had. After dosing with Excel and a three day blackout it was pretty much gone. I also put 12 Amanos in the tank (11g).

Perhaps you should try a blackout and Excel, then wait a couple of months and try to introduce more Amanos then. I managed to kill a great number of shrimp before I was successfull. I found if I cleaned the tank too much (water changes and filter changes at the same time) then I lost shrimp.
37g planted, 11g planted, and three 5.2g planted shrimp tanks.
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Re: I have a mystery Mr. Amano

Post by 150EH »

It would still be a good way to get the Amano's to a full adult size before introducing them into the Apisto tank so they would have a better chance of survival. I have fed my Pelvicachromis sacrimontis well with over 100 Cherry's and only 20 or so Amano's but they ate them all, some of the smarter shrimp lasted a while but eventually they all have gotten eaten, so I started a nano and now I just kill the shrimp in another tank and I can't figure out why.
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Re: I have a mystery Mr. Amano

Post by sfarkhan »

150EH wrote: now I just kill the shrimp in another tank and I can't figure out why.
Let's start an aquatic club focused on that... :mrgreen:
Shahriar (Shah-ry-are)
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Re: I have a mystery Mr. Amano

Post by sfarkhan »

jweis wrote:Yep, that is an Amano. Usually Amanos are tough little buggers.

Looks like you have some of the same terrible algae that I had. After dosing with Excel and a three day blackout it was pretty much gone. I also put 12 Amanos in the tank (11g).

Perhaps you should try a blackout and Excel, then wait a couple of months and try to introduce more Amanos then. I managed to kill a great number of shrimp before I was successfull. I found if I cleaned the tank too much (water changes and filter changes at the same time) then I lost shrimp.
Yup, that was the string algae that started taking over my tank. It's slowly disappearing about a week after I raised the lights higher and started dosing ferts and excel 10ml/daily... A blackout will put the final nail in it's coffin?

Saw this today:
amanos.jpg (191.68 KiB) Viewed 3906 times
They are multiplying... :shock: There is no copper, the CO2 has increased, the instant acclimation didn't kill of any RCS (and probably not the amanos), the excel isn't killing them... I may get another 30 to feed my fish...

Edit: I would love to know what happened.
Shahriar (Shah-ry-are)
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