One of my fish seems to have an insatiable appetite for Staurogyne Repens. Every time the leaves start growing back they are chewed down to the stem. I haven't yet been able to identify the culprit. Here are the suspects
1. Cardinal tetras (not really)
2. Bristlenose Pleco (prime suspect, also a notorious Angelfish egg eater)
3. Diamond tetras
4. Brochis spendens (emerald green cory catfish)
5. Otocinculus (they seem to be fat an happy)
6. Angelfish (they are always pecking at stuff)
I'm really thinking its the bristlenose, but the bristlenose such effective algae eater and especially does great keeping the wood in the tank clear of everything but BBA. I have actually never caught it eating any of my plants either. Was wondering if anyone here had experience with any of the above fish eating plants.
something is chomping my plants
This is not good news for me, except I think it is the BN and I don't own one. After trying Dwarf hairgrass and my Pelvicachromis pulcher pulled it all out, I was going to try Downoi but found that fish find that tasty, and now S repens could be out but I'm going to try it anyway.
Did you ever get good evidense??
I hear they can remove bark from wood.
Did you ever get good evidense??
I hear they can remove bark from wood.