ACLC March Meeting

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ACLC March Meeting

Post by kaj41354 »

Here are the Details: Saturday 3/19 at 1PM at That Fish Place!!! - A Great place for a meeting.....

Rachel O'Leary - Freshwater Invertebrates: Myths and Misconceptions

Click the image to open in full size.This presentation will largely be about some of the biggest myths about invertebrates as well as appropriate tank setup and overviews of several of the most common encountered species. Further information will include successful tankmates, sexing, hybridization risks, and algae eating capabilities.
Rachel O’Leary of Mount Wolf, Pennsylvania has been in the hobby since childhood but has gotten increasingly active in the past decade. She is currently operating over sixty tanks with interests that range from micro to monster. She has a special focus on dwarf freshwater invertebrates including snails, shrimp, crayfish, and aquatic crabs.
She is currently breeding Apistogramma, catfish, shrimp, snails, Pseudomugil rainbows, dwarf crayfish, plecos, and several other central and south American cichlids as well as a range of livebearers and egg scatterers. Her tanks range in size from ten gallon to 220 gallon.
Rachel is an active member and on the board of the Capital Cichlid Association as well as a global moderator on Aquaria Central and a moderator at MonsterFishKeepers. She actively attends conventions and travels to speak at clubs on her invertebrate and micro fish interests.
She imports from around the globe to redistribute and help share with hobbyists around the country.
Kurt Johnston
Aquarium Club of Lancaster County
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Cristy Keister
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Post by Cristy Keister »

I'm going to go! Anyone want to ride up with me?
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Post by FrannyB »

Heck yeah. What time do you want me to get to your place?
Once you go Dutch you can't stop trimming.
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Cristy Keister
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Post by Cristy Keister »

How about 10 am? That should get us there an hour before the meeting.
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Post by FrannyB »

Okay. See you then.
Once you go Dutch you can't stop trimming.
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