June Meeting- Sterling, VA

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Post by Ltrepeter2000 »

Guess this means you actually want me to clean the glass and stuff on my tanks....geez what a taskmaster. Just kidding, planned to do it anyway. By the meeting you will have six tanks, maybe seven to choose from.
Robert Peterson
"Mr. Sarcastic"

The work will wait while you show a child a rainbow,
but the rainbow wont wait while you do the work

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Post by krisw »

Clean that glass, Rob, clean! :mrgreen:

I'm looking forward to seeing what you've been working on!
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Post by Ltrepeter2000 »

Only one of the tanks at the house is remotely impressive. The tank in the office has fully grown in, but most of the fish room just got put back together due to having the windows installed last month. Those tanks are still works in progress.
Robert Peterson
"Mr. Sarcastic"

The work will wait while you show a child a rainbow,
but the rainbow wont wait while you do the work

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Post by ddavila06 »

maan, i wont be able to make this meeting...i got a very important Argentina vs Mexico game to watch and a countertop installation to fit into the day somehow... :|
Damian Davila
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Post by MR_Shrimp »

I am planning on coming this weekend, if work permits and most importantly if wife doesn't have the baby :shock:
would anyone be interested in some Marble Crayfish?
I can take some if of interest
-- Flavio
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Cristy Keister
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Post by Cristy Keister »

I'll be there. How about a salad of some sort?

Anyone in MD want to carpool? send me a PM.
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Post by chris_todd »

I'll be there, with my camera (and tripod), and if I get around to it tonight or tomorrow morning, possibly some plants from my 90g.

For food, it looks so far like Rob is providing burgers and dogs, Paul will have brownies, Arlene some fresh fruit, and maybe Cristy will have a salad of some sort. I'll bring something food wise, but I'm not sure yet. I don't know about you all, but I'm getting tired of a veggie tray with hummus, LOL. I'll see if I can get a little more creative, though.
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Post by Ltrepeter2000 »

We also picked up a thing of potato salad, baked beans and are going to have crackers and cheese as well. If someone wants potato chips to go with their burgers and hot dogs than we need a volunteer for those.
Robert Peterson
"Mr. Sarcastic"

The work will wait while you show a child a rainbow,
but the rainbow wont wait while you do the work

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Post by chris_todd »

OK, I've got the chips covered. Sounds like an awesome spread, thanks, Rob! Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.
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tomorrow's meeting

Post by m.milliner »

I have a variety of plants and livestock for donation to GWAPA but can't make it to the meeting. Hoping that someone near Alexandria could pick them up or would let me drop them off to them in advance. If so, please email me at m.milliner@comcast.net

crypt wendtii
crypt lutea
2 cool rocks
acorus ogon (emersed)
several sterbai cory
some cherry shrimp
1 anubias gigantea (emersed)
some nana
big bunch java narrow leaf
java trident (I think)
a few cuttings limnophilia aromatica
two blyxa aubertii

Please let me know who I can coordinate with. Thanks, Michael
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