That funky red low light crypt...

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That funky red low light crypt...

Post by ingg »

there were like ten bags of it at Aquafest.

Ghaz had mentioned it does not like high light to me.

What the heck was the name of it? Affinis?
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Post by krisw »

Yep, Cryptocoryne affinis was the one that was so prevalent at Aquafest.
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Ben Belton
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Post by Ben Belton »

I had some once that was awesome. I have heard that there are a couple kinds going around, but I had the real one like is in the Baensch Atlas. It was hard to grow though. I think it liked harder water with more calcium than I had.

Is this the kind that was for sale? I want to give it a shot again someday.
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Cristy Keister
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Post by Cristy Keister »

I got some in the auction. It's under bright light, but hasn't done anything that I've noticed. Hasn't grown, hasn't died.
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Post by JMLenke »

I got a big one late in the day and while all of the old leaves melted, NONE of the newer shoots melted and it has prospered in my one tank. I just emptied the tank to pull all the endlers I could out after I watched them go CRS hunting.

I cant get the affinis to stay in the substrate, it seems to love pulling out somehow.
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Post by SCMurphy »

C. affinis likes hard water and some iron in the water. It does not need bright light but will grow under those conditions. The best growth I ever had of that plant was in an individual pot with soil and laterite and a plain gravel cap under a thick mass of broadleaf watersprite, no CO2. I have some now in one of the 75's, it's growing and spreading but nowhere near as large or deeply colored.
"したくさ" Sean

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Post by krisw »

Mine that I got in Aquafest completely melted in a newly aquascaped 75G tank with aquasoil, and is now starting to send up new leaves. None are as big as the original plant, but it's possible they could be eventually. They're still in decent light, but probably shaded a bit by some taller stems in that area.
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Post by fredyk »

I got one that's not doing so well ina tank that's not doing so well, and so I'm growing it emersed in the window hehe
Mark Harnet
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Post by JMLenke »

Mine is doing great in the 15 underneath the Moss/Anubias/Fern/Rootwood roof it has over top of it.

Too bad the snails think it is a salad...
The other Jeff

Master of growing algae and getting better at plants
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