
Annual Membership Dues:

You can pay the annual membership dues via PayPal by clicking on the ‘Buy Now’ button or Auto pay yearly with the ‘PayPal Subscribe’ button. 1-year memberships will expire on 12/31/2023.


Regular membership $20  

Family membership $25  

Student membership $10  

Out of State (not in MD/DC/VA) $5  

If you prefer to write a check, please download the membership form and mail it along with your payment to:

c/o Cristy Keister
12408 Silverbirch Lane
Laurel, MD 20708

(Please make checks out to Greater Washington Aquatic Plants Association)

You are welcome to attend our next meeting and get to know the other members before you decide to join. Only dues-paying members are eligible to vote in a GWAPA election or hold a position on the Board of Directors.

As a member you get:

Invitations to group events

Participation in group buys [fish, inverts, plants, food and supplies], including insurance for live arrival.

Full access to the GWAPA online forum.

To join, either attend the next meeting and bring your membership dues, or contact someone on the Board of Directors.