Each director shall hold office for two (2) years and until his or her successor shall have been elected and qualified, or until his or her earlier death, resignation, or removal. Each director’s term shall begin at the close of the Annual Meeting at which such director was elected to the Board.
I was thinking that myself. The bylaws text appears to contradict itself. At the expense of sounding like a certain federal branch, I say that the board revises this particular clause and votes on it before the next meeting.
Were these ByLaws officially adopted? I know that we had this document
up for review at the board level way back when - but was it officially
voted upon and adopted?
I thought they were originally when they were drafted, but I don't think any of the revisions we had talked about over the past year have been officially vote upon.
If anyone knows how to get in touch with Alysoun I'm sure she still has a copy. Perhaps Pierre does, too. I thought I had mine but after a quick search I think I must have lost them.
I notice also, that Membership Director is listed as an officer, but not Corresponding Secretary.
These by-laws also allow for directors (other than officers) to be elected. PVAS, for example, always has 5 officers, 4 directors, the most recent former president and the Corporate Agent to make up the board. The directors - not the officers - serve 2 year terms. Officers are elected yearly.