My second spawn of yellow golds emerged from the coconut today. I never tended to the first spawn over christmas and just let nature take it's course. I have maybe two viable fish from that spawn.
I'm going to actually attempt to raise these for a while and wanted to see if anyone is interested. You can find a picture of one here: ... ontent&tas k=view&id=133&Itemid=44</u>
The females carry recessive traits and will not produce healthy fry in a YG x YG situation.
My male is ~3.5inches mostly a yellow, I'm not sure I let him be gold. The dorsal and (lyretail) caudal fins are dominantly orange with black outlines, while the anal and pelvic fins are white/blue oddly. I'm told my fish may still develop the white body, proabaly won't. The second generation supposedly will have more red in the fins.
Yellow gold A. cacatuoides
The y/g males are breed to TR females. Y/g females supposedly look like neil's picture, but I don't have any that are old enough to show the coloring. The recessive color seems to effect males more dramatically rather than females, most apistogrammas are, more or less, standard shape/color. That's especially true if they drop their breeding colors.