Anyone have some Rotala rotundifolia 'indica' they could bring to the April meeting? I need some to clear up some green water problems in a small tank.
The plant biomass is a little lean in this tank. I'm afraid of exacerbating the problem by adding more ferts so I was hoping for a high light, fast grower I could float in the tank.
If all you want are floaters, I can give you a some phyllanthus fluitans (red root floater) at the next meeting. That stuff grows like crazy, and is easy to remove.
How is it's susceptibility to burning from high light? I tried floating some Riccia and I think it burned up on me. It went white on the second day and just melted away.
Actually... So long as the water level is about an inch below the light (aka, the plant isn't touching the glass, or the glass if you have a glass top on your tank, this plant loves high light. Under intense lights it'll turn bright red, and can flower. If you're really lucky it might even purchase berries! (Don't eat them ) I grow it very successfully under two 110W of light to shade my anubias tank, but I've grown in under the equivalent of 220+W on my ODNO lit canopy. I literally threw out 1-2 liters of it every other week, if not more.