My 40G tank - redone...

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My 40G tank - redone...

Post by krisw »

Well, I decided to rip all of the Java fern out of this tank, and rescape it to an igwami style tank. I planted the Eleocharis throughout the entire tank about a month ago. It's still filling in, but I figured I'd snap a quick shot to see if everyone likes where I'm going with this aquascape.
40G_03_05_2006.jpg (86.1 KiB) Viewed 3400 times
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Post by Jeff120 »

Looks good!!! Seems to be filling in well
Jeff U.

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Post by krisw »

Thanks! I'm actually pretty surprised how fast the hairgrass has filled in. I didn't even know I wanted the assorted of plants I got at the last meeting, but they've filled out the left corner for me too. :-)
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Post by DelawareJim »

Kris, it really looks nice.

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Post by SCMurphy »

Nice job Kris.
"したくさ" Sean

Aquascape? I'm a crypt farmer.

If you've got bait, I've got wasabi!

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Post by Ltrepeter2000 »


What are you using for substrate(Is it aquasoil)? What kind of dosing schedule are you on for this tank? Other details etc.

I am very impressed. Always have liked the carpet look as its very serene to look at, especially with a schooling fish as the rummy nose. I dont know why but when I see a tank like that it reminds me of the buffalo roaming the midwest before they were killed off.

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Post by keeperofthefish »

Very poetic, Rob! But in all seriousness, I've always wanted to take a 33 long tank and give something like this a shot. It can look gorgeous!
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Post by Ltrepeter2000 »

Dont you see Buffalo Bill Cody up on the rock with his 50 cal sighting in on the Ram as the Rummynose scurry away?

Robert Peterson
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Post by krisw »

Thanks for the complement Rob! I've been wanting to do this for awhile too, and have finally just got around to it. I think the hardest part is finding interesting rocks to use in this scape, then placing them.

As far as substrate, yes I am using aquasoil, amazonia to be exact. I have the Eheim 2213 underneath, with CO2 being injected in-line into a DIY CO2 reactor. As far as dosing goes, I'm still working that out. Thus far, I've just been adding seachem nitrogen and flourish anytime my L. aromatica turns too purple. The carpet should feed from the roots, so I don't want to overdose and deal with a plague of hair algae in the eleocharis. That's such a pain! (trust me)

One thing I know I need to add is a powerhead to make sure there's plenty of circulation throughout the tank. I've noticed a few deadspots, where algae is creeping in.

Otherwise, it's pretty easy to do. Prepare yourself (and your back) for a painful few hours to do the initial planting. Otherwise, the runners move in quickly, and fill in nicely.
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Post by RTRJR »

LOL! It looks great!

Painful "few" hours? If I survived it I would have to spend the evening in the whirlpool and still would unlikely to be capable of moving the next day.

It would be almost worth the effort of bringing the big tanks back for a "plains" tank. Let's see Kris, what did you say your hourly rate would be?
Where's the fish? Neptune
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