SCMurphy wrote:The thing is that 2 out of 3 of his posts say to 'read my guide' on the PlantedTank. I think that maybe I'll start to counter his act by saying to read Ben's guide.
I know you, and I can see you doing that.
I don't mind a bit. He deserves the aggravation.
Ben....great info.! I am a newbie and this makes a great starting point! Great web interface also...easy to use!
Hey thanks! It was a lot of hard work. I hope people get use out of it.
Do you mind if I post a link to the pdf file on my homesite? I'll have to keep bumping it because we don't have stickies but it will be worth the effort. At least I won't have to explain the same thing over and over or direct them to the Pit of Doom (I've done it in the past and cringed every time and given a disclaimer. ).
Hey Ben. Thanks a lot. I know it will be appreciated. The site is It's not my site. Belongs to a man named "Pat." Lot's of beginners. A few that move on to serious planted tanks.
You article was great. Rex's website is informative. The basic content is helpful but I don't like contributing to Rex's following if it can be helped.
Thanks a really nice site. I didn't know about it, but I almost never look at anything on the net about bait. I have to email people or post here with I have bait problems. I don't even know what to do about ick.
I didn't see a plant section, but I'm sure it was there somewhere.
Hmm. That's strange. I'm not sure where that link directed you. I got a warning that I'm not authorized to view that page. Badman's is a forum that has been around since 1995. Most of the visitors are beginners with a few old time hobbyists as moderators.
Here's the link to the thread I started about your article.
Ben's article was very well written and very helpful, but the remarks about newbie questions makes it sound as if group meetings are not the place for beginners. It sort of makes me hestiant to attend since all my questions would be elementary. I certainly wouldn't want to hijack the enjoyment of others by my inexperience.
Quite the contrary - newbies are encouraged to be at the meetings. Its the best
place to learn a lot quick and everyone there loves sharing information.