[HELP] - NOVA Aquarium Stand Construction Tomorrow

Why buy when you can DIY?
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Joined: Fri Oct 18, 2019 8:23 am
Real Name: Wil Schurr

[HELP] - NOVA Aquarium Stand Construction Tomorrow

Post by fish4schurr »

I believe the saying is bit off more than we can chew.  Basically my brother and law convinced me to build 2 aquarium stands and was convinced we could do it.  Well now I have 4 2 foot by 7foot aquarium surfaces the we cannot get flat.

Anyone affected by the quarantine who can help or has a wood planer? I figure someone here will be able to help. In a time crunch and getting stressed out.
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Re: [HELP] - NOVA Aquarium Stand Construction Tomorrow

Post by Tim_Koles »

HI Wil

Please provide some more information if possible about how you are building these . Pictures would be great as well if you can. Based on what you have described and how I would do it, I don't think a planer would help. Not off so I can't respond until later tonight but Ill help if I can

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Re: [HELP] - NOVA Aquarium Stand Construction Tomorrow

Post by JLW »

I am with Tim on this -- a planer would be great if the wood you used was not flat, but I don't think it would be an appropriate tool if the surface your created was not flat (if that makes sense).
WET Aquaria
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Re: [HELP] - NOVA Aquarium Stand Construction Tomorrow

Post by WET Aquaria »

The major question here is how far off are you. If you put a tank on the stand(not filled with water), can you slide a piece of paper under it? Credit card? More? If its just a piece of paper, a foam board underneath can filled the gap. If it's more than a credit card, not sure on the best way to do it. Possible to trim a makeshift shim to put between the frame and top plywood.
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