It's an old thread, but I'll try... (couldn't post a PM for some reason)...Tyger wrote:...Of course, and possibly in absence of adquate input of CO2, I found I began to have issues with spots of algae on Anubias and pretty rapid growth on aquarium glass...
Although I have a tiger hillstream loach, two bamboo shrimp, several otos, and eight zebra nerites, I thought I will bolster the cleaning crew with additional members. After an initial test with three cherry shrimp to determine whether or not I was investing in shrimp rather than an expensive fish food, I have added several Cherry and several Anamo Shrimp. And, more recently, a pair to true SAEs to help with the rare tuft of bearded algae...
Hi Michael,
Just read the thread - got a lot of useful information, thank you. You mention there that you bought true Siamese Algae Eaters (Crossocheilus siamensis). Did they turn out to be true indeed? Where did you get them? I'm looking for some, but I've heard that "they are really rare in aquarium trade" and most of the places just sell fake ones. Quote from Wikipedia:
"The Siamese algae eater has a black horizontal stripe extending from opercle to tail. The genuine Crossocheilus siamensis without maxillary barbels and with deeply fringed V-shaped upper lip is rarely encountered in the aquarium trade. Closely related is the Red-algae eater Crossocheilus langei, a species that is widely sold as the Siamese algae eater. It has a bright brownish elongate body with a slightly flat belly. It has a prominent brown-black horizontal stripe extending from nose to tail. This fish may grow up to the length of 16 centimeters. It possesses small maxillary barbels and an unfringed shallowly arcuate upper lip. Two other similar species are traded as Siamese algae eaters, namely Crossocheilus atrilimes, a species that likes to eat Java moss rather than red algae, and an undescribed species of Crossocheilus."
Also, even Flying fox (Epalzeorhynchos kalopterus) and the False siamensis (Garra cambodgiensis) are sometimes sold as true SAEs.
Another on-line article about differences: ... ter-id.htm
Thank you,