Is this HC?

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Is this HC?

Post by GOT MTS? »

I noticed something growing in my 30 c the other day that looks a lot like HC. This tank had never had anything but java fern in it. The sand was used in a different aquarium and then stored in a bucket for a little over a year in the shed. Does HC produce seeds? Could they live in damp sand in a shed for a year? Can HC grow in an aquarium with no C02? Could this just be some kind of weed seed that blow into the sand while it was sitting briefly in the yard? I notice them about a week ago when they had only 2 leaves each. Also I can't remember if HC has been renamed or if it is still Hemianthus callitrichoides. Any thoughts?
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Cristy Keister
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Re: Is this HC?

Post by Cristy Keister »

Looks like HC to me at this point. I don't know how you got it though.
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