So, I've always wondered how one retrieves shrimp in a planted tank. They are very fast and trying to get them with a net can disturb the plants. I found this very short video that shows a practical and easy way to capture they little guys.
This DIY project video demonstrates how to make a shrimp trap for a dwarf shrimp tank. Take a transparent plastic bottle, remove the label and cut it below the mouth in a suitable place as shown. Invert the top end and insert it into the lower half. Place some suitable bait at the bottom and submerge it in a small tank. Turn the lights off, if any and leave for a couple of hours. The shrimps get attracted to the smell and are trapped as shown. ... nk-300485/
Practical and easy way to capture shrimp in a planted tank
Practical and easy way to capture shrimp in a planted tank
37g planted, 11g planted, and three 5.2g planted shrimp tanks.
37g planted, 11g planted, and three 5.2g planted shrimp tanks.
Been doing this for years. One caution though - it may also trap fish which may perish in the trap. I've found for that reason it is best to check it regularly. It is effective even if you leave the lights on.
Member of GWAPA, CCA and PVAS plus American Begonia Society and Potomac Branch. Former PVAS President (twice) and Treasurer since 2015. Check out GoWildPeru on the web and FB for Peruvian Rain to Cloud Forest Tropical Fish and 'Plant' collecting trips.