I'm wondering if anyone might be interested in helping (i.e. doing all the work as I recover from surgery ) me do an overhaul on my 75 gallon tank. I'd like to catch a good deal of the fish in there and trim a lot of plants. I've promised some of the plants away, but there should be plenty to take home when all is said and done and there are fish I want to give away too.
They include:
Swordtails...I lost count
Mollies.. a few dalmation
A rainbow shark
An Sae
Two false SAEs
1 Altum Angel
2 yoyo loaches
Some endler's livebearers (would like to catch all and keep some and give away the rest).
I'm attempting to convert my tank to all tetras, olive nerites, cherry shrimp, and amano shrimp.
Either this sunday afternoon or next weekend sometime? I will see about edible compensation as well.