Assassin Snails

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Ben Belton
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Assassin Snails

Post by Ben Belton »

Someone on a forum has some of these for sale. Apparently his tank was overrun with snails, so he got these to kill them. Now these are starting to grow out and he is finding some to sell.

Is it my understanding that he has just traded one snail infestation for another? What is the purpose, except that the Assassin snails look pretty?
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Post by jcali10 »

I don't know how prolific they are but:

1. they eliminate all those small pond snails or whatever they are.
2. they're marketable, and have retail value. (I've seen them on Aquabid).
3. and as you said, they're prettier than the ones they eat.

I've considered buying some, but for now I crush them whenever I could and I try to feed my fish less.
B Considine
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Post by B Considine »

I bought 6 at the Catfish Convention auction. Rarely see them, and haven't witnessed any acts of predation.

But they are attractive.

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Post by scientist0724 »

I have a few in my tanks, and mine are doing an excellent job of killing the pond snails, I have one that has gotten to a nice size.

However, just when I think I'm done with them in tank, I bring home a new plant, and then the snail invasion starts all over again. So I can never get rid of mine. At least, not yet :D

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Post by DonkeyFish »

Assassin snails are great. I've got them in almost all of my tanks. Almost all? Yes. They WILL eat eggs/live foods (aka small, slow fry) if the chance arises. And they much prefer blackworms to snails, so if you're feeding live foods you may never see your pest snail population decrease :)

I did learn, however, the following:

• ropefish really enjoy eating them.

• If you have aggressive fish (like cichlids) they may attack assassins because their little faces are more visible than, say, nerites or pond snails.

• once you introduce them you may not see them, like at all. Then after a few weeks/months you'll start seeing empty snail shells littering the gravel. That's how you know the assassins aren't all dead.

• they WILL reproduce if happy. But (as stated above) there are benefits to a bountiful crop of assassin snails.

• their preference (after live foods) is pond snails then MTS. So if you've got an MTS infestation it will take awhile!

And that's all I have to say about that. I now have no further knowledge to share with anyone today. All out. Check back tomorrow. ;)
It is not murder if you're killing snails.
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