Hello Everyone!
I'm planning on buying some plants from Rachel who has graciously offered to get some plants for PVAS members. We are also planning on getting some inverts and fish from her at the next PVAS meeting. I only plan to get plants, so I can some C. parva, Lilaeopsis, and some others. If you of you would like to piggy back with my order, you are more than welcome to. I have pasted her email with pricing. If you can't come and pick them up next week, she has also offered to get plants from somewhere else, and I can have them at the next meeting, which will be at my house on the 28th.
Happy shopping!
http://www.msjinkzd.com/shop/ (this is for the inverts)
As for plants, the list is 10 pages long. Its huge. The other issue is I cannot house a ton of plants for a few weeks like I can livestock as my lightingin my qt tanks is insufficient. My buddy mark denaro has offered to get any plants and ship them out this week to someone in the club if they are willing to distribute from one box to those who order. Here is a list of the availability an dpricing. If not interested, its very possible I can order plants closer to the meeting which would be no problem for me to house as long as they are available.
Aeschynomene fluitans - $2.50
Alternanthera ficoidea bettzickiana ‘Aurea’ - $0.65 - $4.00/bunch
Alternanthera ficoidea bettzickiana ‘Green’ - $0.65 - $4.00/bunch
Alternanthera ficoidea bettzickiana ‘Red’ - $0.55 - $4.00/bunch
Alternanthera cardinalis-emerged - $1.00 - $4.00/bunch
Alternanthera lilacina-emerged - $0.65 - $3.50/bunch
Alternanthera lilacina-submerged - $1.00 - $4.00/bunch
Alternanthera lilacina variegated-emerged - $1.00 - $4.00/bunch
Alternanthera ocipus-emerged - $0.50 - $4.00/bunch
Alternanthera reineckii-emerged - $0.65 - $4.00/bunch
Alternanthera reineckii-submerged - $1.00 - $4.00/bunch
Alternanthera reineckii variegated-emerged - $1.00 - $4.00/bunch
Alternanthera species-red ‘Round’ - $0.65 - $4.00/bunch
Ammannia gracilis-emerged - $1.00 - $4.00/bunch
Ammannia gracilis-submerged - $1.25
Ammannia senegalensis-submerged - $1.25
Ammannia senegalensis-emerged - $0.60 - $4.00/bunch
Ammannia spec. ‘Bonsai’ - $0.60 - $4.50/bunch
Anubias afzellii - $6.50
Anubias barteri var. barteri - $5.00
Anubias barteri var. barteri-motherplant - $35.00
Anubias barteri var. barteri ‘Broad leaf’ - $6.50
Anubias barteri var. barteri ‘Broad leaf’ on Lava rock - $20.00
Anubias barteri var. barteri ‘Broad leaf’-small - $8.00
Anubias barteri var. barteri ‘Broad leaf’-motherplant - $35.00
Anubias barteri var. barteri ‘Marble’ - $15.00
Anubias barteri var barteri ‘Oriental green’ - $12.50
Anubias barteri var. barteri ‘Sharp wavy leaf’ - $12.00
Anubias barteri var. barteri ‘Variegated’ - $10.00
Anubias barteri var. nana - $6.00
Anubias barteri var. nana-small - $8.00
Anubias barteri var. nana-motherplant - $35.00
Anubias barteri var. nana ‘Eyes’ - $14.00
Anubias barteri var. nana ‘Golden’ - $15.00
Anubias barteri var. nana ‘Golden’ on Lava rock - $20.00
Anubias barteri var. nana ‘Narrow Leaf’ - $15.00
Anubias barteri var. nana on driftwood - $45.00
Anubias barteri var. nana on driftwood-medium - $65.00
Anubias barteri var. nana on driftwood-Large - $120.00
Anubias barteri var. nana on x-small driftwood - $20.00
Anubias barteri var. nana on 10cm xx-small driftwood - $18.00
Anubias barteri var. nana on Coco-shell - $25.00
Anubias barteri var. nana on Lava rock - $20.00
Anubias barteri var. nana ‘Petite’ - $6.00
Anubias barteri var. nana ‘Round leaf’ - $15.00
Anubias barteri var. nana ‘Round leaf’-small - $10.00
Anubias barteri var. nana ‘Stardust’ - $15.00
Anubias barteri var. nana ‘Wrinkled Leaf’ - $18.00
Anubias barteri var. nana ‘Wrinkled leaf’-small - $10.00
Anubias barteri var. nana ‘Yellow heart’ - $12.50
Anubias barteri var. coffeefolia - $8.00
Anubias congensis - $7.00
Anubias hastifolia - $12.50
Anubias hastifolia-motherplant - $35.00
Anubias heterophylla - $6.00
Anubias heterophylla-motherplant - $30.00
Anubias lanceolata - $6.00
Anubias species ‘Gabon’ - $12.00
Aponogeton boivinianus - $10.00
Aponogeton boivinianus-bulb - $7.50
Aponogeton capuroni - $12.00
Aponogeton capuroni-bulb - $8.00
Aponogeton crispus - $2.00
Aponogeton henkelianus - $10.00
Aponogeton henkelianus-bulb - $7.50
Aponogeton longiplumulosus - $12.00
Aponogeton madagascarensis - $10.00
Aponogeton madagascarensis-bulb - $7.00
Aponogeton natans - $2.00
Aponogeton natans-bulb - $0.75
Aponogeton rigidifolius - $2.00
Aponogeton stachysporus - $1.50
Aponogeton stachysporus-bulb - $0.75
Aponogeton ulvaceus - $10.00
Aponogeton ulvaceus-bulb - $7.50
Bacopa australis-emerged - $0.75 - $4.00/bunch
Bacopa caroliniana-emerged - $0.40 - $4.00/bunch
Bacopa caroliniana-submerged - $0.80 - $4.00/bunch
Bacopa caroliniana variegated-submerged$0.95 - $4.00/bunch
Bacopa lanigera-emerged - $0.85 - $4.00/bunch
Bacopa monniera-emerged - $0.35 - $4.00/bunch
Bacopa myriophylloides-submerged - $0.40 - $4.00/bunch
Barclaya longifolia - $5.00
Barclaya longifolia-bulb - $2.50
Barclaya longifolia ‘Red form’ - $5.00
Barclaya longifolia ‘Red form’-bulb - $3.00
Blyxa alternifolius - $1.00 - $4.00/bunch
Blyxa aubertii - $1.25 - $5.00/bunch
Blyxa japonica - $1.25 - $5.00/bunch
Bolbtis heudelotii - $6.00
Bolbtis heteroclita - $1.50 - $5.00/bunch
Cabomba aquatica - $0.40 - $4.00/bunch
Cabomba palaeformis - $0.55 - $4.00/bunch
Cabomba piauhyensis - $0.40 - $4.00/bunch
Cabomba sp. ‘Silver’ - $0.80
Cardamine lyrata - $0.75 - $4.00/bunch
Ceratophyllum demersum var. ‘Mexico’ - $1.00 - $4.00/bunch
Ceratopteris siliquosa -emerged - $0.70 - $4.00/bunch
Chladophora aegagropila ‘Moss Balls’ - $6.00
Chlorophytum bichetii - $0.75 - $4.00/bunch
Crassula helmsii - $0.40 - $4.00/bunch
Crinum aquatica - $15.00
Crinum calamistratum - $15.00
Crinum natan - $15.00
Crinum natan-bulb - $12.00
Crinum thaianum - $5.00
Crinum thaianum-bulb - $4.00
Cryptocoryne affinis - $2.50
Cryptocoryne albida - $2.00 - $6.00/bunch
Cryptocoryne balansae - $2.00 - $6.00/bunch
Cryptocoryne beckettii - $1.75 - $6.00/bunch
Cryptocoryne blassii - $3.00 - $7.50/bunch
Cryptocoryne blassii-special - $4.50 - $9.00/bunch
Cryptocoryne ciliata - $0.80 - $4.50/bunch
Cryptocoryne longicauda - $10.00
Cryptocoryne lingua - $1.25 - $5.00/bunch
Cryptocoryne lucens - $1.00 - $4.00/bunch
Cryptocoryne lucens-motherplant - $20.00
Cryptocoryne lutea - $1.50 - $4.50/bunch
Cryptocoryne lutea-motherplant - $20.00
Cryptocoryne parva - $1.00 - $4.00/bunch
Cryptocoryne petchii - $1.75 - $4.50/bunch
Cryptocoryne petchii-motherplant - $20.00
Cryptocoryne pontederiifolia-emerged - $1.50 - $4.50/bunch
Cryptocoryne pygmaea - $7.00
Cryptocoryne retrospiralis - $2.00 - $5.00/bunch
Cryptocoryne tonkinensis - $2.25 - $5.00/bunch
Cryptocoryne tropica - $7.00
Cryptocoryne tropica-motherplant - $24.00
Cryptocoryne undulatus red - $7.50
Cryptocoryne undulatus red-motherplant - $24.00
Cryptocoryne usteriana-emerged - $10.00
Cryptocoryne walkeri - $2.00 - $4.50/bunch
Cryptocoryne walkeri-motherplant - $20.00
Cryptocoryne wendtii - $1.25
Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Broad leaf - ’$6.00
Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Brown’ - $6.00
Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Green’-emerged - $1.75 - $4.50/bunch
Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Green’-emerged motherplant - $20.00
Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Green x Tall form’ - $7.00
Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Green x Tall form’-motherplant - $20.00
Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Green Gecko’ - $10.00
Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Mi Oya’ - $6.00
Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Mi Oya’-motherplant - $20.00
Cryptocoryne wendtii x hybrid - $6.00
Cryptocoryne wendtii x hybrid-motherplant - $20.00
Cryptocoryne willisii - $6.00
Cryptocoryne willisii-motherplant - $20.00
Cyperus alternifolius - $1.50 - $5.00/bunch
Cyperus haspens - $3.50
Cyperus helferi - $3.00 - $4.50/bunch
Didiplis diandra - $0.60 - $4.50/bunch
Echinodorus amazonicus-emerged - $1.25 - $4.50/bunch
Echinodorus angustifolia - $1.00 - $6.00/bunch
Echinodorus ‘Apart’-emerged - $7.50
Echinodorus ‘Apart’-submerged - $9.00
Echinodorus ‘Apart’-submerged motherplant - $25.00
Echinodorus argentinensis-emerged - $3.00 - $5.00/bunch
Echinodorus argentinensis-emerged motherplant - $20.00
Echinodorus aschersonianus - $12.00
Echinodorus 'Atlandsberg' - $12.00
Echinodorus barthii-emerged - $6.00 - $10.00/bunch
Echinodorus barthii-emerged motherplant - $24.00
Echinodorus barthii-submerged - $7.50
Echinodorus barthii-submerged motherplant - $25.00
Echinodorus bleheri-emerged - $1.00 - $4.50/bunch
Echinodorus bleheri-emerged motherplant - $20.00
Echinodorus bleheri-submerged - $1.75 - $5.00/bunch
Echinodorus bleheri-submerged motherplant - $20.00
Echinodorus bleheri special - $2.50 - $6.00/bunch
Echinodorus bleheri ‘Aurea’-emerged - $7.00
Echinodorus cordifolius - $3.00 - $6.00/bunch
Echinodorus cordifolius x hybrid-emerged - $12.00
Echinodorus cordifolius-motherplant - $24.00
Echinodorus cordifolius ‘Tropica Marble Queen’ - $6.00
Echinodorus cordifolius ‘Tropica Marble Queen’-MP - $20.00
Echinodorus 'Deep Purple' - $15.00
Echinodorus 'Devil Eye' - $15.00
Echinodorus 'Fanastic Color' - $15.00
Echinodorus 'Frans Stoffels' - $15.00
Echinodorus gabrieli-emerged - $7.00
Echinodorus grandifolius - $3.00 - $6.00/bunch
Echinodorus grandifolius-motherplant - $20.00
Echinodorus harbich - $6.00
Echinodorus harbich x hybrid - $6.00
Echinodorus horemanii ‘Green’-submerged - $12.50 - $20.00/bunch
Echinodorus horemanii ‘Red’-submerged - $12.50 - $20.00/bunch
Echinodorus ‘Klenier Bar’ - $7.00
Echinodorus 'Kleiner Prinz' - $12.00
Echinodorus latifolius-emerged - $0.60 - $4.00/bunch
Echinodorus latifolius-submerged - $1.00 - $4.50/bunch
Echinodorus major-emerged - $6.00
Echinodorus major-submerged - $5.50 - $7.00/bunch
Echinodorus major-motherplant - $20.00
Echinodorus muricatus-emerged - $2.00 - $4.50/bunch
Echinodorus muricatus-emerged motherplant - $20.00
Echinodorus muricatus ‘Green’-emerged - $6.00
Echinodorus muricatus ‘Green’-emerged motherplant - $20.00
Echinodorus ‘Oriental’-emerged - $12.50
Echinodorus ‘Oriental’-emerged motherplant - $24.00
Echinodorus osiris-emerged - $6.00 - $8.50/bunch
Echinodorus ‘Ozelot’-emerged - $7.50 - $12.00/bunch
Echinodorus ‘Ozelot’-submerged - $12.00
Echinodorus ‘Ozelot’-green emerged - $9.00
Echinodorus ‘Ozelot’-green emerged motherplant - $30.00
Echinodorus ‘Ozelot’-green submerged - $10.00
Echinodorus parviflorus-emerged - $1.25 - $5.00/bunch
Echinodorus parviflorus ‘Tropica’-emerged - $2.25 - $5.00/bunch
Echinodorus 'Paul Kloecker' - $12.00
Echinodorus ‘Phyton’ - $12.00
Echinodorus quadricostatus-emerged - $0.80 - $4.00/bunch
Echinodorus ‘Red Flame’-emerged - $12.00
Echinodorus ‘Red rubin’-emerged - $12.00
Echinodorus ‘Red rubin’-emerged motherplant - $25.00
Echinodorus ‘Red rubin’-submerged - $7.00
Echinodorus ‘Red rubin’-submerged motherplant - $25.00
Echinodorus ‘Rose’-emerged - $7.00
Echinodorus ‘Rose’-emerged motherplant - $20.00
Echinodorus ‘Rose’-submerged motherplant - $25.00
Echinodorus ‘Rubin x narrow leaf’-emerged - $18.00
Echinodorus ‘Rubin x narrow leaf’-submerged - $20.00
Echinodorus scaber-emerged - $11.00
Echinodorus schlueteri-emerged - $5.00 - $6.50/bunch
Echinodorus schlueteri-emerged motherplant - $20.00
Echinodorus schlueteri ‘Leopard’-emerged - $11.00
Echinodorus species ‘Long leaf’-emerged - $6.00
Echinodorus species-emerged motherplant - $20.00
Echinodorus 'St. Elmfeuer' - $12.00
Echinodorus subalatus - $6.50
Echindorus 'Tanzende Feuerfeder' - $17.50
Echinodorus tenellus ‘Broad leaf’-emerged - $1.00 - $4.00/bunch
Echinodorus tenellus ‘Broad leaf’-submerged - $1.00 - $4.00/bunch
Echinodorus tenellus-emerged - $0.50 - $4.00/bunch
Echinodorus tenellus-submerged - $0.80 - $4.50/bunch
Echinodorus uruguayensis-emerged - $10.00
Echinodorus uruguayensis-submerged - $12.00
Echinodorus uruguayensis-emerged motherplant - $22.50
Echinodorus uruguayensis-submerged motherplant - $25.00
Eichhornia diversifolia - $2.50 - $7.50/bunch
Eleocharis acicularis - $6.00
Eleocharis parvulus - $0.40 - $4.50/bunch
Eleocharis vivipara - $0.40 - $4.50/bunch
Eriocaulon cineteum - $1.50
Eriocaulon species-submerged - $1.50
Eustralis stellata.. see also pogostemon
Glossostigma elatinoides - $1.00 - $4.00/bunch
Gymnocoronis spilanthoides - $0.60 - $4.00/bunch
Gymnocoronis spilanthoides variegated - $1.50 - $5.00/bunch
Hemianthus callitrichoides-emerged - $6.00
Hemianthus callitrichoides on pad $20.00- see also Micranthemum
Heteranthera dubia-submerged - $0.80 - $4.00/bunch
Heteranthera zosterfolia-emerged - $0.80 - $4.00/bunch
Hottonia palustris - $0.90 - $4.00/bunch
Hydrocharis dubia - $3.00
Hydrocleis nymphaeoides - $1.25 - $4.50/bunch
Hydrocotyle leucocephala - $0.80 - $4.00/bunch
Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides - $6.00
Hydrocotyle verticillata - $6.00
Hydrotriche hottoniiflora - $1.00 - $4.00/bunch
Hygrophila angustifolia-emerged - $0.70 - $4.00/bunch
Hygrophila angustifolia-submerged - $1.50 - $5.00/bunch
Hygrophila balsamica-submerged - $1.25
Hygrophila corymbosa-emerged - $0.80 - $4.00/bunch
Hygrophila corymbosa-submerged - $1.50 - $4.50/bunch
Hygrophila corymbosa var. ‘Compacta’-emerged - $0.70
Hygrophila corymbosa var. ‘Compacta’-submerged - $2.00 - $5.00/bunch
Hygrophila corymbosa var. siamensis-emerged - $0.70 - $4.00/bunch
Hygrophila corymbosa var. siamensis-submerged - $1.50 - $5.00/bunch
Hygrophila corymbosa var. siamensis ‘Small form’-emerged - $0.70 - $4.00/bunch
Hygrophila corymbosa var. siamensis ’Small form’-submerged - $1.50 - $5.00/bunch
Hygrophila corymbosa var. stricta-emerged - $0.80 - $4.00/bunch
Hygrophila corymbosa var. stricta-submerged - $1.50 - $5.00/bunch
Hygrophila difformis-emerged - $0.50
Hygrophila difformis-submerged - $0.65 - $4.00/bunch
Hygrophila difformis special-submerged - $0.85 - $5.00/bunch
Hygrophila difformis ‘Variegated’-submerged - $1.25 - $4.00/bunch
Hygrophila lacustris-emerged - $0.80 - $4.00/bunch
Hygrophila lacustris-submerged - $2.00 - $5.00/bunch
Hygrophila lacustris-small emerged - $0.70 - $4.00/bunch
Hygrophila salicifolia-emerged - $0.65 - $4.00/bunch
Hygrophila salicifolia ‘Long form’ - $0.65 - $4.00/bunch
Hygrophila species-emerged - $1.00
Hygrophila species-submerged - $2.00 - $5.00/bunch
Hygrophila spec. ‘Cherry leaf’-emerged - $0.85 - $4.00/bunch
Hygrorhyza aristata - $1.50
Lagarosiphon madagascarensis - $0.50 - $4.00/bunch
Lagenandra thwaitesii - $2.50 - $5.00/bunch
Lilaeopsis species ‘Mauritius’ - $4.00/bunch
Limnobium laevigatum - $1.00
Limnophila aquatica-submerged - $1.50 - $4.00/bunch
Limnophila aromatica-emerged - $0.45 - $4.00/bunch
Limnophila aromatica-submerged - $1.00 - $4.00/bunch
Limnophila hippuroides-submerged - $1.00 - $4.00/bunch
Limnophila spec. ‘Taiwain’-submerged - $0.75
Limnophila spec. ’Brownie’-submerged - $0.85 - $4.00/bunch
Lindernia rotundifolia - $0.40 - $4.00/bunch
Lindernia rotundifolia ‘Variegated’ - $0.80 - $4.00/bunch
Lobelia cardinalis - $3.00 - $4.50/bunch
Lobelia cardinalis ’Small form’ - $2.75 - $4.50/bunch
Ludwigia arcuata-submerged - $0.35 - $4.00/bunch
Ludwigia brevipes-submerged - $0.60 - $4.00/bunch
Ludwigia glandulosa-submerged - $0.50v$4.00/bunch
Ludwigia inclinata-submerged - $0.90 - $4.00/bunch
Ludwigia inclinata green-submerged - $0.80 - $4.00/bunch
Ludwigia ovalis-submerged - $0.80 - $4.00/bunch
Ludwigia palustris-submerged - $0.60 - $4.00/bunch
Ludwigia palustris ‘Green’-submerged - $0.80 - $4.00/bunch
Ludwigia peruensis - $0.80 - $4.00/bunch
Ludwigia repens special - $0.50
Ludwigia repens-emerged - $0.40 - $4.00/bunch
Ludwigia repens-submerged - $0.45 - $4.00/bunch
Ludwigia sedioides - $3.00
Ludwigia spec. “Cuba”-submerged - $1.00 - $6.50/bunch
Ludwigia species - $2.00
Lysimachia nummularia - $0.70 - $4.00/bunch
Lysimachia nummularia ‘Aurea’ - $0.80 - $4.00/bunch
Marsilea angustifolia- $6.50/bunch
Marsilea crenata - $0.80
Marsilea quadrifolia - $0.80 - $4.00/bunch
Mayaca fluviatilis-submerged - $0.40 - $4.00/bunch
Mayaca sellowiniana-submerged - $0.70 - $4.00/bunch
Micranthemum micranthemoides - $0.60 - $4.00/bunch
Micranthemum species - $0.70 - $4.00/bunch
Micranthemum umbrosum - $0.70 - $4.00/bunch
see also Hemianthus
Microcarpaea minima-submerged--
Microsorium pteropus - $2.00 - $4.50/bunch
Microsorium pteropus-special - $3.00
Microsorium pteropus-motherplant - $20.00
Microsorium pteropus on Coco-shell - $20.00
Microsorium pteropus ‘Narrow leaf’ - $9.00
Microsorium pteropus ‘Windelov’ - $5.00 - $10.00/bunch
Microsorium pteropus ’Windelov’ on x-small driftwood - $25.00
Microsorium pteropus ‘Windelov’ on driftwood - $40.00
Myriophyllum dicrocum-submerged - $1.00 - $4.00/bunch
Myriophyllum elatinoides-submerged - $0.70 - $4.00/bunch
Myriophyllum hippuroides-submerged - $0.70 - $4.00/bunch
Myriophyllum matogrossense ‘Green form’-submerged - $0.60 - $4.00/bunch
Myriophyllum propinquum-emerged - $1.00 - $4.00/bunch
Myriophyllum procerpinacoides - $0.60 - $4.00/bunch
Myriophyllum propinum - $0.60 - $4.00/bunch
Myriophyllum scabratum-submerged - $0.60 - $4.00/bunch
Myriophyllum spicatum-submerged - $0.70 - $4.00/bunch
Myriophyllum tuberculatum-emerged - $0.50 - $4.00/bunch
Myriophyllum tuberculatum-submerged - $0.60 - $4.00/bunch
Najas Indica - $0.40
Nesaea species-submerged - $1.25 - $4.00/bunch
Nesaea pedicellata-submerged - $1.00 - $4.00/bunch
Nomaphila, please refer to Hygrophila
Nuphar japonica ‘Spatterdock’ - $12.50
Nuphar japonica ‘Spatterdock’-bulb - $8.00
Nymphaea micrantha - $4.00
Nymphaea rubra-bulb - $2.50
Nymphaea species ‘Green’ - $3.50
Nymphaea species ‘Red’ - $3.50
Nymphaea stellata-bulb - $2.50
Nymphaea ‘Tiger lotus green’-bulb - $6.00
Nymphaea ‘Tiger lotus red’-bulb - $6.00
Nymphoides indica - $3.00
Nymphoides species - $1.00 - $4.00/bunch
Ottelia ovalifolia - $6.00
Peliosanthes species - $4.00
Physostegia purpurea - $3.00 - $5.00/bunch
Pogostemon helferi - $10.00
Pogostemon stellata-emerged - $0.80 - $4.00/bunch
Pogostemon stellatus ‘Broadleaf’-submerged - $0.90 - $4.00/bunch
Polygonum amphibium - $1.00
Polygonum pedunculare - $0.50 - $4.00/bunch
Polygonum species - $0.80 - $4.00/bunch
Potamageton crispus - $0.80 - $4.00/bunch
Potamageton g*a*y*i - $0.50 - $4.00/bunch
Potamageton ‘Malainus’ - $0.60 - $4.00/bunch
Potamageton octandrus - $0.60 - $4.00/bunch
Potamageton perfoliatus - $0.60 - $4.00/bunch
Proserpinaca palustris-submerged - $1.00
Ranalisma rostrata-emerged - $1.00 - $4.00/bunch
Ranunuculus papulentus-emerged-$10.00
Rorippa aquatica - $1.50 - $4.00/bunch
Rotala indica-submerged - $0.40 - $4.00/bunch
Rotala macrandra-emerged - $0.50 - $4.00/bunch
Rotala macrandra-submerged - $1.00 - $4.00/bunch
Rotala macrandra ‘Green’-submerged - $1.00 - $4.00/bunch
Rotala macrandra ‘Small leaf’-submerged - $2.00 - $4.00/bunch
Rotala macrandra ‘Narrow leaf’-submerged - $2.00 - $4.00/bunch
Rotala macrandra ‘Small crinkled leaf’-submerged - $2.00
Rotala macrandra ‘Variegated’-submerged - $1.00 - $4.00/bunch
Rotala najean-submerged - $0.50 - $4.00/bunch
Rotala spec. ‘Pearl’-submerged - $2.00
Rotala rotundifolia ‘Green’-submerged - $0.60 - $4.00/bunch
Rotala wallichii-submerged - $0.40 - $4.00/bunch
Rotala wallichii 'Long leaf'-submerged - $0.50 - $4.00/bunch
Sagittaria platyphylla-emerged - $0.60 - $4.00/bunch
Sagittaria platyphylla-submerged - $1.10 - $4.00/bunch
Sagittaria subulata-emerged - $0.50 - $4.00/bunch
Sagittaria subulata-submerged - $0.65 - $4.00/bunch
Salvinia cucullata - $0.75
Salvinia oblongifolia - $1.00
Saururus cernuus - $1.25 - $4.00/bunch
Selaginella wildenowii - $1.00 - $4.00/bunch
Tonina fluviatilis - $1.50
Tonina species - $1.50
Trapa natans - $3.50
Trichocoronis rivularis-emerged - $0.50 - $4.00/bunch
Trichocoronis rivularis variegatus-emerged - $0.75 - $4.00/bunch
Utricularia species - $0.65 - $4.00/bunch
Vallisneria americana var. americana - $1.75 - $4.00/bunch
Vallisneria americana var. americana ‘Rubra’ - $1.50 - $4.00/bunch
Vallisneria americana var. biwaensis - $1.50 - $4.00/bunch
Vallisneria americana var. biwaensis (medium size) - $1.00 - $3.50/bunch
Vallisneria americana var. natans - $0.80 - $4.00/bunch
Vallisneria neotropicalis - $1.50 - $4.00/bunch
Vallisneria rubra ‘Serpanta’ - $2.00 - $4.00/bunch
Vallisneria spiralis (torta) - $0.65 - $4.00/bunch
Vallisneria spiralis ‘Red’ - $1.25 - $4.00/bunch
Vallisneria sprialis ‘Leopard’ - $1.25 - $4.00/bunch
Vallisneria spiralis var. contortionist - $1.50 - $4.00/bunch
Vallisneria spiralis ‘Tortifolia’ (corkscrew) - $0.65 - $4.00/bunch
Plants! Plants! Plants! and maybe some inverts
- scientist0724
- Posts: 1971
- Joined: Sat Jun 27, 2009 9:47 pm
- Real Name: Arlene Wagner
- Location: Reston, VA
- DonkeyFish
- Posts: 1783
- Joined: Fri Apr 27, 2007 4:42 pm
- Real Name: Jen Williams
- Location: Alexandria, VA
- Contact:
- scientist0724
- Posts: 1971
- Joined: Sat Jun 27, 2009 9:47 pm
- Real Name: Arlene Wagner
- Location: Reston, VA
Plants! Plants! Plants! and maybe some inverts
I just PM Rachel to ask her what is the latest I can place the order in so that we can have the plants at the meeting on the 28th. I want the plants to arrive at my place on the 27th.
I've got a few tanks to rescape now that I've taken my contest pictures.... I'm in for the following if she can deliver for the meeting:
$8.00 2 - Crassula helmsii - $4.00/bunch
$60.00 10 - Anubias barteri var. nana ‘Petite’ - $6.00
$3.00 2 - Eriocaulon species-submerged - $1.50
$4.00 1 - Hottonia palustris - $0.90 - $4.00/bunch
$6.50 1 - Ludwigia spec. “Cuba”-submerged - $1.00 - $6.50/bunch
$5.00 1 - Lagenandra thwaitesii - $2.50 - $5.00/bunch
$4.00 1 - Myriophyllum matogrossense ‘Green form’-submerged - $0.60 - $4.00/bunch
$4.00 1 - Pogostemon stellata-emerged - $0.80 - $4.00/bunch
TOTAL: $94.50 + my share of shipping
$8.00 2 - Crassula helmsii - $4.00/bunch
$60.00 10 - Anubias barteri var. nana ‘Petite’ - $6.00
$3.00 2 - Eriocaulon species-submerged - $1.50
$4.00 1 - Hottonia palustris - $0.90 - $4.00/bunch
$6.50 1 - Ludwigia spec. “Cuba”-submerged - $1.00 - $6.50/bunch
$5.00 1 - Lagenandra thwaitesii - $2.50 - $5.00/bunch
$4.00 1 - Myriophyllum matogrossense ‘Green form’-submerged - $0.60 - $4.00/bunch
$4.00 1 - Pogostemon stellata-emerged - $0.80 - $4.00/bunch
TOTAL: $94.50 + my share of shipping
- scientist0724
- Posts: 1971
- Joined: Sat Jun 27, 2009 9:47 pm
- Real Name: Arlene Wagner
- Location: Reston, VA
I got an email from Rachel:
Sent: Fri Aug 13, 2010 9:26 am
From: msjinkzd
To: Scientist0724
unfortunately, it was wednesday night I can order them again for you guys next time they are on the list though if you like. I am always willing to do so. I don't know if they will be available again before this meeting, but perhaps the next one. I would also love to attend GWAPA sometime, so it could work in both of our favor
So if we can't get them for the Aug 28th meeting ( ), are any of you interested in getting them for the Sept meeting??? I'll keep you guys posted if she can still do the Aug meeting.
Sent: Fri Aug 13, 2010 9:26 am
From: msjinkzd
To: Scientist0724
unfortunately, it was wednesday night I can order them again for you guys next time they are on the list though if you like. I am always willing to do so. I don't know if they will be available again before this meeting, but perhaps the next one. I would also love to attend GWAPA sometime, so it could work in both of our favor
So if we can't get them for the Aug 28th meeting ( ), are any of you interested in getting them for the Sept meeting??? I'll keep you guys posted if she can still do the Aug meeting.
There are no happy endings.
Endings are the saddest part.
So just give me a happy middle
And a very happy start.
-Shel Silverstein
Endings are the saddest part.
So just give me a happy middle
And a very happy start.
-Shel Silverstein
- ricoishere
- Posts: 599
- Joined: Sat Feb 14, 2009 2:08 am
- scientist0724
- Posts: 1971
- Joined: Sat Jun 27, 2009 9:47 pm
- Real Name: Arlene Wagner
- Location: Reston, VA
I'll keep you posted all posted when I hear back from Rachel. We may still have a chance to get some plants for the next meeting. If not, I'll definitely let you know when the cutoff date is for the September meeting.
There are no happy endings.
Endings are the saddest part.
So just give me a happy middle
And a very happy start.
-Shel Silverstein
Endings are the saddest part.
So just give me a happy middle
And a very happy start.
-Shel Silverstein