July meeting - who's coming and what are you bringing?

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July meeting - who's coming and what are you bringing?

Post by chris_todd »

Amy and I are hosting the July meeting next Saturday, so are you coming? And if so, what are you likely to bring for the auction?

Food wise, Amy and I will be making Vegan chili, home made bread, various dips and such, veggies, and we'll be grilling chicken breasts for fajitas. So I think we're covered for most food and drinks, except dessert-like things. Would anyone like to volunteer to bring or make cookies, brownies, or the like? Keep in mind these are not donations, we have a food budget, and I think we've been doing a good job of staying within it.

All our tanks are a mess right now, and I won't have the time, energy, or inclination to clean them up or do much trimming, but if you see something in our tanks that you desperately want, I can certainly yank it out for you.

I hope some of our crypt experts will attend; I bought some crypts from Mark Denaro of Anubias Designs at Aquafest last year, and neither he nor I were completely sure what they are, and like most of my crypts, they have failed to flower for me. So some identification help would be appreciated.

I also recently expanded my orchid collection, and picked up a few that are not doing so hot (Tolumnia Genting Angel and an Oncidium alosuka 'Claire'), so if there are orchid fanatics that know how to grow these plants well, we'd appreciate some advice, or perhaps you could just rescue the plants from us.

I may have a CO2 regulator setup for sale; I bought all the parts separately to assemble it myself, but there was one little adapter I never got, so I've never set it up, and it turns out I don't really need it. I doubt I can order and receive the part before the meeting, but if you're able and willing to do the leg work yourself, I'll cut you a deal.

Hope to see everyone next Saturday!
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Post by krisw »

Also, don't forget to email me (gwapa@gwapa.org) pictures that we can include in the presentation if you would like some pre-contest critique on your aquascapes...
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Post by scientist0724 »

I will be there. I may bring some lemon bars. Depending how long the meeting lasts, I may need to leave a little earlier than usual because it's my birthday and I will need to get back home to spend some time with my family celebrating.

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Post by Judi »

I'll be there. Don't know if I'm bringing anything for the auction, but I can bring some cookies or something.
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Post by Cavan »

Anyone headed north past downtown Silver Spring? See my new apartment, my newly reset 40 gallon and the wonders contained within!
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Post by scientist0724 »

Cavan, I'll be passing by SS on my way up to the meeting. I live in Reston and have to take the Beltway up. Let me know!

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Post by Cavan »

Cool, thanks! That works for me. I'll PM you my address.
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Post by eleontie »

Not coming, busy moving.

You guys have fun !
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Post by Chris »

I'll be there with the GLA Group Order items!!! :D
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Post by ddavila06 »

eleontie wrote:Not coming, busy moving.

You guys have fun !
moving again Eugen?! hope all works well for you! and if you need help let me know.

i would like to be there, im going to try but not sure what my work schedule will be :( so far i don't know what plants i would bring in besides red root and water lettuce yet...:P
Damian Davila
"Fishes-up, chill, Plants too"
"so many plants, so little space!"
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