I wanted to personally thank everyone in GWAPA who stepped up and dedicated some of their weekend this weekend to make Aquafest a great success. I think Jason Baliban did a great job during his talk, and then GWAPA pulled together a top-notch event in the Aquafest Demo/Challenge. Thank you Jeff (and Dave) for going under the gun, and taking on the tough task of actually trying to scape a tank in an hour timeframe. Jen and Dave were instrumental in organizing leading up to Aquafest, as well as during it.
GWAPA members were in force as runners/labelers/announcers during the auction on Sunday, which helped lighten the load on everyone. You probably set a record on the number of donations to the Aquascaping demo, and subsequently to the auction. And the help to clean those plants up for the event, and later bag and label the leftovers for the auction was tremendous. Thank you!
I'd like to say a special thank you to Chris Todd, who spent more time at the hotel this weekend than most of the Aquafest organizers, myself included. Thanks Chris for really stepping up!
The final numbers are not in yet from the auction/raffles, but I'm pretty sure that this will end up a profitable event for the club, and we couldn't have done it without you.