Still looking for plants for Aquafest demo!

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Still looking for plants for Aquafest demo!

Post by ingg »

Anubias would be great, crypts would be great...

Really need foreground plants!!!

Also would really like some Blyxa Japonica, I don't keep that one... anyone got say 6-10 they could bring?
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Post by chris_todd »

Dave, I have about 30+ nodes of marsilea minuta that just won't propagate much for me in my 75. I'll bring that along, since I was planning on ripping it out anyway.

I have a bunch of c. wendtii, both emersed and submersed, but for me, it has always grown almost straight up (probably because of low-tech setup they're in).

I can also bring 3-6 c. pontederiifolia that have nice bright green leaves with a slight pinkish shade to the underneath. The stuff grows like a weed in my 75.

I have a few anubias that have been languishing in my emersed setup, but they don't look all that great. I'll bring them anyway.

I have some monster c. balansae - some close to three feet long, but I also have some shorter ones that are only 12-18". I needed to thin them out anyway, so I could bring a few (I was planning on selling a few in the auction as well) - but would they be too tall for the demo tanks?

I was also planning on bringing ludwigia repens x arcuata, l. arcuata, and rotala wallichii, those I won't have many stems, and they won't be very long. But they're been turning a gorgeous orange/red in the new high-tech 90g setup!
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Post by Bgssamson »


I have the following plants I can trim and bring it saturday if it helps!

- Cryptocoryne spiralis ‘dwarf’
- Crypt balansae
- Eleocharis acicularis - The thick version not sure if this is the right name but it does look like Giant hairgrass but stays 2-3 inches.
- Eleocharis vivipara
- Hydrocotyle verticillata

I don't know if you can use the HC that I have but its been flooting on my shrimp tank and skinny looking.

Let me know if you need it so that I can trim it friday night.

Last edited by Bgssamson on Wed Oct 14, 2009 4:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Cristy Keister
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Post by Cristy Keister »

I can bring E. vesuvius, some trident java fern. Don't know if you want it, but I've been using potamogeton gayi as a foreground in my 46 - it's been staying at 2-3" for years in that tank, but may grow much taller in other tanks. :?:
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Post by ingg »

Bring them folks!

If not used, you can snag back if you can Id your own, or extras will be put into the auction Sunday for Club proceeds.

More is better - I'd much rather the scapers have a smorgasborg to pick from than a limited selection.
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Post by DelawareJim »

Sorry Dave. Normally I'd bring a bunch of stuff to bring but my main tank has become a BBA farm. I need to do a complete tear down and clean out.

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