I'm thinking, too, that it might work better (for me, anyway) to modify the concept.
The live sand tank is working out really well. That construction sand I got from Sarah is fine and packs fairly densely, so the detritus doesn't sink into the sand bed. And the cories, loaches and gymnogeophagus keep the surface constantly agitated, so the detritus gets stirred up and drawn up in the filter stream.
I still need to build the light for it, so I haven't added any plants yet. I'm thinking of adding fast growing plants at first--Val, najas, bacopa, and that stuff that I brought back from Florida that I can't identify. The fast growing plants, theoretically, should compete pretty well with the algae.
After I see which one does best, I'll start thinking about slower growing plants for the foreground.
I'm thinking, too, instead of putting soil over the entire bottom of the tank, it might be best just to use it for selected plants that might benefit from it, like the Echinodorus uruguayensis. My idea is to selectively plant one or two in a pot with some soil, just below the surface of the sand, and then cover it up with a layer of sand.
ingg wrote:There are a couple of scapes - not hers, they are out of her state. Mostly using dwarf sags, swords, crypts, vals....
I'm pretty sure you could make a decent scape in an NPT. Just not gonna have some of those collectoritis plants I like to try.
Someday, I'll get off my butt, get a fully automated dosed tank going, and collect the rest of 'em, all those synoganthus, tonina, and Eriocaulons that hate my tanks so far.