Elatine species thoughts and comments?

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Joined: Sun Mar 30, 2008 7:28 pm
Real Name: Corey W
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Elatine species thoughts and comments?

Post by kerokero »

Due to a recent facination with some native plants of the genus Elatine popping up in the hobby, I figured it was time to start a post so that I - and whoever else reads this - can learn a thing or two :D Here are the species so far...

Elatine triandra - low growing creeper that seems like a good candidate for foregrounds, but some have been noticing how it seems to do better in shallower tanks? Don't know if it's lighting or not... but in nanos it seems to be very good about staying low the the ground and shading. Got some trimmings only to have my dog knock over the jar they were in :cry: Very nice little oblong leaves up to about 1/2in?

Elatine ameicanus - Check out the post on Kris' blog... is a nice little upright stem plant (in contrast to the other species which seem to be creepers). Currently hates me... lost all it's leaves, a number of stems, and now happier stems are growing leaves back again. Kris warned me off using new aquasoil (too acidic for this species' tastes?), so it's just floating for now.

Elatine orientalis - Like small HC... currently likes me, not sure what I'm doing right :) Same conditions that the americanas hated. Another foreground plant crawling along the substrate.

Elatine minima - Jeff U says its "Leaves are larger then HC, but smaller then glosso. Crawls along the substrate. Slow grower, but pretty easy one to grow."

What are other people's experiences with these guys? Water, substrates, lighting, etc. These are pretty new to the hobby so I haven't found a whole lot on them when searching the web. I'd like to get them rooted but since I've only got aquasoil right now I'm nervous about trying that. I don't want to kill anymore than I already have :roll: I want happy plants!!
Best, Corey
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