Bucket handle

Why buy when you can DIY?
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Bucket handle

Post by Spine »

I was in line at the paint counter at Home Depot and overheard someone asking for one of these.

After hearing comments on how much easier it is to carry 5gal. buckets all day, I followed him to get one myself.

These handle adapters are usually $2 or less and believe me if you're still lugging 5gal buckets it will soon be your hands best friend.
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Post by jcali10 »

Wow, I need one of those, one of my buckets has a cracked handle. Home Depot huh!
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Post by Judi »

One of my buckets is missing the plastic handle. Home Depot here I come!
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Sonny Disposition
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Post by Sonny Disposition »

Thanks! I have a cattle trough out back to collect rainwater and haul all of the water into the house in six gallon buckets. One of the buckets is so old, the handle is completely gone.

You never know what you're going to find, or where you're going to find it. So keep looking.
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Ghazanfar Ghori
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Post by Ghazanfar Ghori »

Hey! For this thread to qualify being in this section - it has to be DIY, not something
you buy!

Now if you took a peice of old garden hose or pipe insulation and made yourself
a handle - I'd respect that.

I vote this thread be flagged for removal and Kevin flogged with a 5Gal bucket.
Ghazanfar Ghori

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Post by Spine »

Look at the right hand side of the bucket you'll see the remaining half of the old handle.
That's the DIY you have to remove(cut off,move) the old handle yourself
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Sonny Disposition
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Post by Sonny Disposition »

OK. So if you go to Home Depot and buy the handle and put it on, it's DIY and it qualifies. If someone else does it for you, then it doesn't qualify.

You never know what you're going to find, or where you're going to find it. So keep looking.
Rick Dotson
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Post by Rick Dotson »

Hey it would not be DIY if he paid somebody to replace the handle for him.

Paint, electric, plumbing and bucket repair!
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