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Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2008 12:43 pm
Location: Richmond,VA

Post by anybias »

You guys are good!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you all a lot!!!!!!
He did run out of time ,so it was no time to do another round of growing-triming,
thank you for pointing some of the stuf that we overlooked,it was realy halpfull.
Posts: 294
Joined: Sun Mar 30, 2008 7:28 pm
Real Name: Corey W
Location: Northern VA

Post by kerokero »

I am not nearly at the level as many of the commenters already, but I've got some thoughts?

I agree with Ghazanfar about the HM bushes... The valley doesn't seem natural to me and a bit to contrived, and doesn't seem to fit with the rest of the scape (which looks to gradually transition to the substrate, not the harsher puffs of plants like the HM). It looks almost like a clump was removed?

I'm torn about the amount of different plants I see... I don't know if I think there are too many (which is a personal preference - I use much fewer in my tanks thank most) or if it's just because most of the individual plant types are in single bunches and not repeated throughout the tank. I almost get a little lost in the variety of plants (not enough contrast between the green plants that might be a little too jumbled to my eye?) which makes the single red plant stand out more. Maybe another reddish variety of plant to help make the red in the back stand out less? I also like having my fish stand out and wonder if the red in the back also takes too much away from the fish as well.

I love where this tank is going and imagine with a few minor bits the tank could do really well next year :) I can understand the pain in possibly not doing well in the contest because it's not the typical amano style, but that's why I'm hoping to do more of a biotope tank so my super simplistic style will hopefully do well :D
Best, Corey
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