Galaxy Rasboras Question...

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Galaxy Rasboras Question...

Post by rich_one »

given these things are also sometimes called Celestial Danios, kinda got me wondering... are these things as hardy as other danios? there is still not a ton of info out there on these cool little guys, and I am wondering how cautious I need to be from a cycling stand point when I add these guys... aka, would they be able to handle a speed cycle or not, basically.
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Post by PaulS »

If it were me, my decision would be at least partially based on cost. The Galaxy Rasboras are rather pricey so I'd probably wait until your tank is cycled. BTW, I think they are really nice looking fish. Where do you get them?
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Post by rich_one »

I don't have a specific source... I have been trolling various forums, and have recently seen them up for sale over at APC and Planted Tank, by the same guy. he is breeding them, so, either from a potential source here, or by that guy, I plan to get them at some point in the near future. I have plenty of filter media from an already cycled tank, so I was planning on doing a speed cycle... but of course, you gotta some fish in there too! I usually use danios, but don't want to use a fish that will damage the shrimp population later. I could always take the danios out, but those dang things ain't easy to catch, and I don't want to wreck my uh... well... "scape"... and I use that term lightly... trying to catch them later.

so I was hoping to add a fish that I would just keep in there... be it endler or galaxy or whatever.... that's all.
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Post by krisw »

While these fish are fantastic, I will say that they're quite skittish. For me, they went straight to the back of the tank whenever I got near. Hopefully you'll have different luck, but I got rid of mine for that reason. They truly are pretty though, when you see them.
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Post by rich_one »

I have heard that... they look so awesome I cannot help wanting to try them. but yeah... it would blow if all they ever did was hide.
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Post by magsdez »

Scott has a 10gal that has only them in it. (Plus an otto) They are skittish. The tank has a layer of peat moss on the bottom covered by gravel and a variety of plants. Plants are growing very slow BTW. Tanks' been up and running for a few months now and it's starting to get clearer :D . He started with 5 adults and now he has 1 juvi and 4 babies. The adults like to stay in the mess of plant life and lay their eggs in the moss he's put in there for that purpose. They are a cool looking fish though and just think, if you get them and breed them, you will be helping to save the breed. Scott said that in his research, he's learned that they are only from one area in the world and are so sought after that there are few wild caughts left. Most store bought ones are "farm" bred.
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Post by rich_one »

wow... I didn't know that. thanks for the info, Bridget. I guess adding endlers to this mix will be a bonus then! lol...

so sad about what is happening with this very cool fish. well... we will see how this unfolds... thanks for the info, all.
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Post by krisw »

Farm bred is actually a good thing though, if it keeps them from wild fishing. I first read, and was appalled at the overfishing of the galaxy rasbora awhile back, but then in the July 2007 issue of TFH, they seemed to dispute that. ... n-question

I'm not sure what is true. I guess the most responsible thing to do is to only keep these fish if you know that they've been breed in captivity, which it sounds like you're planning on doing.
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Post by rich_one »

Indeed. I 100% plan on getting tank bred specimens... thanks for the info on that... reading it now.
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Post by Spine »

I had two seperate groups. The ones I had in my community tank were out all the time. If you get 15-20 and have other fish in the tank they will be out all the time. I notice that the group that I had in a tank by them selves with no dither fish tended to be more shy and hide in the java moss a lot.
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