First time I've ever ordered livestock mail order.
My 8 little dwarf crays all arrived alive and well, acclimated and into their new home. Such cool little critters! Plant safe, fish safe, and even shrimp safe.
Hoping they grow, molt, breed like crazy - they aren't found often, never seen them in stores. Hopefully this fall I'm able to start sharing them with the club!
They hit the ground, got their bearings, rambled for a minute, and scrambled for cover. Probably won't see them again for a coupla days, tank has a lot of rockwork for them to explore, and crays like finding hidey holes.
Let's hope we can both get them breeding and swap some off for genetics... although... yours came from pedro too I am assuming? LoL, prolly same tank anyhow.
Great minds think alike! At the beginning of this month, after much googling and wringing of hands, I splurged on 8 of these crays on Aquabid from Starrsmith. Starrsmith (Crystal) was fantastic btw. I've got them split between 2 tanks currently: 1 tank at home & 1 at work. In my home tank I caught a pair in the act the other day. These guys are blue morphs (not true blues) but you can see a litttle of their blue/grey hue in the pic.
In my work tank with Eco-complete, they've turned a dark dark gray, almost black. I'll try to get a picture of them too. And to top it off, I discovered a baby cray in my work tank today! I was surprised because I never saw the berried female. Hopefully I'll have some to share in a few months too.
Shufeldtii shagging!
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