Below is my 20 gallon tank. I'm interested in hearing all of your comments! Unfortunately, the picture isn't better!
<img src="uploads/krisw/99E_20gal-04-25-2004.jpg" border="0">
20gal tank
20watt Flor. light
15 watt Flor. light
DIY yeast C02 injection
Seachem Onyx Substrate with Seachem tabs at roots
Water change every 1-2 weeks. No dosing.
Fish:<em> 12 rasbora heteromorpha, 2 honey gourami's, 3 fire gourami's, 2 crossocheilus siamensis
Plants: <em> Java Fern, Java Moss, Various crypts (thanks Sean), Nymphaea Lotus red., Compacta sword, Anacharis, Anubias barteri var barteri, micro sword...
My 20 Gal...
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Thanks guys! Gnatster, I'm definitely my own worst critic... But that said, I often find an entirely new angle to look at things, if someone rips one of my designs. (I actually welcome harsh critics!) But, of course, it's hard to judge a tank by a picture. I guess I'll just have to host a meeting sometime to get all of my criticism. <img border="0" src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0">
- Ghazanfar Ghori
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- Location: United States
Yeah... It's blue right now, from when I had different colored substrate/rocks in there. It's on my todo list to change, but I've been too lazy. <img border="0" src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0">
Anyhow, thanks for the comments! The Onyx sand and slate match perfectly! I was very happy when I found this out. Thanks again!
Anyhow, thanks for the comments! The Onyx sand and slate match perfectly! I was very happy when I found this out. Thanks again!