New Tank

Lighting, filtration etc
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Jonathan Kalmes
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Post by Jonathan Kalmes »

I just got my new 120 gallon tank and stand yesterday! Managed to get it home in that nasty sleeting rain, but it made it safe and sound.

This tank will be a replacement for my 110 gallon (lesson learned the hard way... tall tanks don't work for planting). Before I start ripping everything apart, does anyone want me to document and photograph the process? There's a LOT involved with this tank... canisters, UV system, CO2, pH controller, dosers, and more.

I can get it done quicker if I don't stop to take pictures along the way, but don't mind doing so if enough are interested or think it might be useful information to have in the future.
--Jonathan (aka smthng)

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Ghazanfar Ghori
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Post by Ghazanfar Ghori »

It would be nice to see your progress with the
setup. Are you DIYing anything or is everything
standard plug'n play? Anything DIY I'd like to
see pics of!
Ghazanfar Ghori

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Post by SCMurphy »

What'cha gonna do with the 110?
"したくさ" Sean

Aquascape? I'm a crypt farmer.

If you've got bait, I've got wasabi!

I wish I could be like Mr. Sarcastic when I grow up! ;)
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Ghazanfar Ghori
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Post by Ghazanfar Ghori »

He's probably going to keep goldfish in it. Aren't you
Jonathan? <img border="0" src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0">
Ghazanfar Ghori

Jonathan Kalmes
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Post by Jonathan Kalmes »

[QUOTE=Ghazanfar Ghori] He's probably going to keep goldfish in it. Aren't you
Jonathan? <img border="0" src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0"> [/QUOTE]

You mean pretty bait? :P

The 110 is going to a new home. I don't know which home yet, as I've already had several people ask. I may just put it up on the block and see who wants to pay for it. I'll deal with that after I get everything out of it and get it cleaned.
--Jonathan (aka smthng)

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Jonathan Kalmes
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Post by Jonathan Kalmes »

I jsut found out something really odd about going from the 110 to the 120. My 120 has less room for fish!

This is kind of wierd, but I guess it makes sense in an odd fish psychology sort of way. <img border="0" src="smileys/smiley6.gif" border="0">

I have all of my catfish and half of my angels in the new tank already. I have one trashcan of fish left to add... a few angels and some rams (the heater in that can didn't work as well as I thought, so I had to add another and am waiting for the temp to come up). But, the angels that are already in the tank are already having territory fights! I think that because there's more room in the tank, they're expecting to get more room than they had. And... since I replanted everything (small only), none of the big territory marking plants have grown in yet, so there's a lot of wide open space. Looks like I might have some angels up at the next auction.   <img border="0" src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0">
--Jonathan (aka smthng)

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