ok so the last few days have been great weatherwise and I have had my window and slider open to air out the condo now that it isnt 100% humid 24/7. I leave them open overnight as well. When I turn my lights on the 20 and the 15 in the morning I notice that the shrimp are VERY active for a bit. Much more so usual. I have been turning the lights on between 5 and 6 since I set the tanks up, is the cooler weather making the shrimp more active?
Water conditions are all optimal,I havent had any shrimp die. Both tanks are unheated as well. Nothing seems to be in dire straits, I am just wondering what is causing the suddenly more active shrimp.
The Male rainbows in the 55 are constantly trying to find something to breed with now that the weather is changing which is nice.
interesting observation/question.
interesting observation/question.
The other Jeff
Master of growing algae and getting better at plants
Master of growing algae and getting better at plants