Middle Pataxuent River

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Middle Pataxuent River

Post by krisw »

I just wanted to share a few pictures from a short hike I took on the Wincopin trails near my house. There are some really beautiful scenes on these trails. The trails themselves go between the Little and Middle Patuxent Rivers. The best thing is that you rarely see anyone else when you're out there. There are also some old bridge supports on the trails, if you're interested in checking out old abandoned architecture in the forest.


Not many aquatic plants, but there are some freshwater clams, and a few species of aquatic weeds. Nothing too suitable for your tank, that I've found.

Anyways, I recommend to anyone nearby checking these trails out. Dogs love them! You can probably do the whole trail system in a couple of hours.

<img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1214/1281614405_865238a43b.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="Middle Patuxent River" />

<img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1284/1281615695_6be0cb56fa.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="Middle Patuxent River" />

<img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1135/1282477932_fa28960ff0.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="Middle Patuxent River" />
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