I saw the post on TPT, he didnt do anything special, they just kinda bread for him. And it conflicts what I have read about breeding them before. I think he had fairly hard water and a PH of 7.4 or so.
Yeah, I've read a number of articles, too. Honestly, I don't know anyone has reported with 100% certainty what the water conditions are in their native habitat. I've read both quite acidic and neutral to alkaline reports.
Just have an idea! why don't we post all of our set-up information ie. water params, equiptments, and all that so we know what works what's not. That way we can find a better way to breed them successfully. We can do this!!!
Maybe we can move this to another section & start from there!
Everything I've read makes it sound as easy as breeding danios so hopefully that will be the case. I suspect it might be as there has been a significant drop in the price of these guys in the stores as of late.
What is TPT forum? My Galaxy are definitly showing spawning behavior. I have them in a 120 gal. planted tank with Apistogrammas the PH is 7. I've noticed some times my apistos swim to the surface an stare at something hidden in plants that I have floating and the peck at something I suspect its fry of some sort. I try to go look when I see them do this but they usaully eat what ever it is before I get there or I scare them off when I approuch the tank. I think I'll put some pairs in 5gal. tanks with java moss and feed the hell out of them and do two small water changes a week.
A friend of mine, Douglas Patac has already bred them. The fish pretty much did it themselves. He was unprepared for feeding the tiny fry, so I told him to use the ole' boiled egg yoke in a hanky trick. They are coming along fine.
I may try them one day soon...
Francine Once you go Dutch you can't stop trimming.