This is just FYI. I'm not trying to sell anything or promote this company. I'm familiar with it because I happen to know one of the owners, and I see some possible uses for aquascape lighting in their invention. (BTW, I posted the same message on
A local Baltimore, MD, company is crowdsourcing funds for a new type of LED light display business (patents, trade shows, manufacturing, etc.). I'm not here to ask for contributions. This post is just a heads-up of what may lie in the future for aquascape lighting.
These bulbs are submersible. When they're in production, aquascapers can begin to consider underwater lighting for their tanks. The inventors are interested in ideas for how their bulbs could be used. If you want to chat with them, check out their crowdfunding page for an introductory video and links, at ... light-bulb
Something to think about when you're imagining new types of aquascapes ....
- shireen gonzaga
Baltimore, MD