so what shrimps (& crays) do people have?

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so what shrimps (& crays) do people have?

Post by PadreJP »

As I mentioned in my introductory post, my primary interest right now in aquaria is freshwater shrimp. So I'm curious what species members might be keeping/breeding currently. I know I met a few shrimp keepers at the meeting yesterday but I am wondering if there are others as well.
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Post by sherrymitchell »

I have cherry reds right now in a heavily planted 20 long with neons, cories and an aged ram. I like them a lot!
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Post by krisw »

I've got cherry reds in several tanks and outside in a small pond. Amanos are in several tanks, but I've never tried breeding them. I have have a small population of yellow shrimp (same species as cherries) and a handful of six banded black bees (Sulawesi) shrimp, but I haven't got the yellows of the Sulawesi to breed yet.
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Post by Sonny Disposition »

Do the shrimp I keep in the freezer count?

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Post by eleontie »

I have
Cardina sp - Red Cherry Shrimp - they breed a lot in the tank of their own

Tiger Shrimp - I am sure they breed - I found a youngling in the canister filter - but probably most got gobbled by fish so I did not notice any increase in the population

Crystal Reds - in the same tank as the Cherries , I got them not so long ago. I only noticed recently eggs, now I have three berried females - looking forward for some offsprings.

Cardina sp. - a green variation , Viktor gave them to me, and I saw them sold at Aquarium Depot just as "Algae eating shrimp" - they breed.

Amanos - I have no intention in going salt water so I do no think I will breed them.

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Post by Jeff120 »

Im keeping

Cherry red
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Post by halak »

I have amanos, red cherries, maybe a bamboo shrimp (I haven't seen it a while but it's in a 125), tigers are on the way, blues are on the way.
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Post by JMLenke »

Cherries (seems I have a thriving colony in my 205 Fluval).
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Post by PadreJP »

halak wrote:... blues are on the way.
halek, which blues are you getting?

Blue Pearl (Neocaridina zhangjiajiensis var. blue)
Blue Tiger (Caridina cantonensis sp. "Blue Tiger")
or something else?

I myself have been searching around and hope to find some Blue Pearls early this fall.
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Post by ingg »

cherries, amano, blueberries (that were possibly hybridized with tigers as they just aren't turning back to blue!), and dwarf crayfish, shulfeldtii.
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