Has anyone had black forest shrimp?
I am thinking about ordering a group of them and if no one here advises against getting them, maybe I could order some for other members who are coming to the Saturday meeting. This would obviously help with shipping. Also, they ship overnight on Thrusday, so I would keep the shrimp only for one day.
I am also thinking about ordering some tigers and blue pearls from a guy on APC. I have the same thoughts here; should I shy away from blue pearls, and does anyone want to split the shipping charges?
10 minutes later...
I just read on another forum that azgardens should not be trusted, so forget my question about the black forest shrimp.
Those Black Forest Shrimp look strikingly similar to a new Sulawesi shrimp C. spongicola. I've also seen it as Celebes Beauty Shrimp. If that's truly them, that's a great price, but there are many reports of massive die-offs with those shrimp. There's some speculation that they're dependent on a freshwater sponge that's only found in those Indonesian lakes, although some folks have reported modest success breeding them. Needless to say, the Sulawesi shrimp are smaller than cherries, and thus not wonderfully suitable for most tankmates.
I know quite a few people who have a pretty negative opinion of Arizona Aquatic Gardens. I've never ordered from them myself, but apparently among a lot of shrimp breeders AZ Gardens has a reputation for mis-identifying their shrimp and/or telling people they are getting something and substituting another species in its place. So everything I've read about them is "buyer beware."
Like I said, this is all 2nd and 3rd hand information so take it as you will.
Like I said, this is all 2nd and 3rd hand information so take it as you will.