Dudes... you will not believe the package I just scored over at APC! Check it out!
60 Red Cherry Shrimp, including saddled females and females with eggs...
and enough Dwarf Sags, jungle vals, riccia, wisteria and java moss to heavily plant a ten gallon tank!
Now... clearly I do not have the light to keep some of these plants, so I will float many in my rainbow tank, and my light restrictions will be to the clubs benefits, as any I cannot keep in my light, I will bring to this month's meeting. Dave... you know my light, so please advise away.
oh... wow... I gotta go speed cycle the 45 gallon... I don't have anywhere to put 60 red cherry shrimp yet!!! LOL...
how cool would it be for them to start multiplying and I can sell them and bring them to club meetings and such! that'd be pretty awesome. fingers crossed...
I was hesitating because I had nowhere to put the dang shrimp! but when he upped it to 60 shrimp, I could take no more! lol... now it has impacted the direction of my multi tank... but that's okay. I figure the maturity of my rainbow tank will give the shrimp their best chance to survive, as opposed to trying to quick cycle a tank, you know?
The rainbows will love the shrimp. Expect them to clean out every last one in a very short time!! There is no way the will be able to hide, regardless of plant density!
Member of GWAPA, CCA and PVAS plus American Begonia Society and Potomac Branch. Former PVAS President (twice) and Treasurer since 2015. Check out GoWildPeru on the web and FB for Peruvian Rain to Cloud Forest Tropical Fish and 'Plant' collecting trips.
Red Cherry shrimp are great Rainbow treats, but even in a forty long, they cannot quite wipe the shrimp out, just almost. When I cleaned up and rest the tank, I had so few that i was worried about genetic diversity, Dave kindly baled me out with extra stock, so the colony is running well again - without Rainbows.
My shrimp population is the 125 is getting much larger than I anticipated. The rainbows do enjoy a tasty snack througout the day though, but the shrimp are definately winning this one so far.