I seem to have procured a Betta with Narcolepsy..

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I seem to have procured a Betta with Narcolepsy..

Post by JMLenke »

Never knew fish could get narcolepsy until now. I picked up a betta on a whim for the 20g (almost totally white with about 10 black scales total) on Sunday.

Since Sunday I have watched the fish randomly swimming around and then suddenly stop and just drift to the bottom of the tank for a bit of time(5 minutes approx.) before suddenly starting to swim again in whatever direction he was going in. As far as I can tell, there is nothing wrong with him and there is no current pushing from the top down that would pin him.

When he drifts to the bottom, he is totally unresponsive to the point that endlers fry will swim past him without a care (he chases them if given the chance).

This has happened more then once and all over the tank.

He eats normally and is terrorizing all but the ancistrus and bolivian.
The other Jeff

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Post by JMLenke »

gahhhh I just came home and thought he was dead...
The other Jeff

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Post by sherrymitchell »

LOL Jeff, My bettas used to scare me like that all the time. They would "rest" and look almost dead, then I'd open the top of the tank and they'd come to and swim off like nothing was wrong. They like to rest a lot. I think it's a game they play to keep us on our toes, :shock:
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