I would wait till one gets up into the filter spray and then put some hikari daphnia or mysis into the water then look for any activity. If you have them in a species tank, you can always introduce some pond water. I'm going to try this with my shrimp experiments.
I think the little junk in active water gets depleated fast in our systems. I can only figure little bits getting in through food and on some* fish.
The volume of the chesapeak bay can be filtered in three days by oysters, only 25,000 bushels out there too. When I hear things like that, it makes me wonder if you can sustain a filter feeder without supplimenting. <edited><editID>Cory</editID><editDate>37959.755474537</editDate></edited>
Wood shrimp?
Large and rusty to orange to red is male.
I am sure I did starve some, even when trying to supplement their food. You can always set them species downstream of a Daphnia tank, it worked for me. <img border="0" src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0"> Maybe even cyclops when the daphnia burn out (did I have to admit that)?
Do you generate any live foods? Hikari micropellets supplemented with something live will definitely support significant growth.
I am sure I did starve some, even when trying to supplement their food. You can always set them species downstream of a Daphnia tank, it worked for me. <img border="0" src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0"> Maybe even cyclops when the daphnia burn out (did I have to admit that)?
Do you generate any live foods? Hikari micropellets supplemented with something live will definitely support significant growth.
<a href="http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/showthr ... post144484" target="_blank">Shrimp food</a>
Heresay and gossip, but the brochure probably is half true. It's red protein/fat, that's almost a bug. It is specifically what I think is missing for filterfeeders. I'll get some and look at it under the microscopes at work. We have people that specifically look at bug content in fruit. Fig nutins(sp) one of the highest bug concentrations, and still so good.
I'd trust what crankuer says about his corals opening. Follow his recent posts and read through some of that JCT. You might lose faith in him, but there is funny stuff now and then.
I'd trust what crankuer says about his corals opening. Follow his recent posts and read through some of that JCT. You might lose faith in him, but there is funny stuff now and then.
- Ghazanfar Ghori
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- Ghazanfar Ghori
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- Ghazanfar Ghori
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