The Motherload!!!
sorry... some of you have not seen my other thread, which has some posts related to this, so you would not have known. the shrimp are NOT going in with the rainbows. I am moving the rainbows, the buenos aires tetra, an the flag fish into the tank that has become the multies tank (no multies yet... but soon). the only fish I plan to leave in the shrimp tank, at least at the beginning, as I observe what happens, are my two glass cats, which so far as I can tell, don't seem to have a predation bone in their transparent bodies... and my BN pleco. after some observation, if I notice these fish bothering the shrimp, then I will move them as well. so again... shrimp going into the tank currently occupied by the rainbows... but the rainbows are moving first. got it? good!
well... I decided to move the BN Pleco to the multie tank too. I figured the cherries eat algae anyway, so really didn't need him to stay there. Otherwise, everything is all set. only fish in there are the glass cats, and the shrimp will be arriving today. I am intrigued as to whether or not the glass cats will attempt to eat any, and I will be watching this closely... I'll let you know what I find...
a couple of observations...
so far as I can tell, glass catfish are completely uninterested in eating red cherry shrimp. just something for future reference if anyone else decides to give it a shot.
that said... I think the shrimp are kinda boring me... not the mention I'm a tad irritated wtih the MTS snail explosion from the plants I got. sigh.
I am thinking of tossing some rams in there... lol..
so far as I can tell, glass catfish are completely uninterested in eating red cherry shrimp. just something for future reference if anyone else decides to give it a shot.
that said... I think the shrimp are kinda boring me... not the mention I'm a tad irritated wtih the MTS snail explosion from the plants I got. sigh.
I am thinking of tossing some rams in there... lol..