
Discuss planted aquarium inhabitants
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Ben Belton
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Post by Ben Belton »

Ugh... damn amighty..... I found one or two in my tank a few months ago. I didn't think much of it. I thought it was cool to have varmints in there. Then recently I knew they had proliferated, but I didn't know until tonight how much. I dropped some food in for the shrimp and honestly in the 2-3 minutes it took me to put food in the other tank and then put it back on the shelf, the pellets were writhing in zillions of them. I read on Planted Tank that they could be killing my shrimp... oh so that's where those $$$ Crystal Reds went. They also recommended using THIS stuff.

I sometimes take what I read on Planted Tank with a grain of salt. Could they be killing my shrimp? Has anyone used this? I'm ordering it tonight!

Here's a crappy phone pic.
zz4.jpg (63.89 KiB) Viewed 1355 times
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Post by londonloco »

I volunteer for a dog rescue. We use panacur with every intake as dewormer. I've read over and over it works on planaria also. I'd use it if I had them in my tanks.
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Post by Ltrepeter2000 »

Recommend you try to pull some of your shrimp just to be on the safe side. Dont want to risk losing all of both if the stuff works too well.
Robert Peterson
"Mr. Sarcastic"

The work will wait while you show a child a rainbow,
but the rainbow wont wait while you do the work

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