Worm identification needed

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Post by fjf888 »

jweis wrote:Nope, never intentionally added worms.

My kids have named the guppy Santa Claus. I have 3 guppies that are doing very well. Unfortunately, I am having a hard time getting other guppies to do well. I don't think it is my water quality. I've read that pet store guppies these days aren't very hardy. If anyone knows of some pretty and hardy guppies, let me know.
I'm not sure fancy guppies will necessarily do well in a high tech planted setup with the CO2 injection and softer water we sometimes use.

You're right about the guppies, from what I understand most are raised in the far east in close to marine conditions to prevent disease and parasites.

Your best bet is finding a local breeder (which I don't know, sometimes pet stores have turn ins) or perhaps aquabid.
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Post by DonkeyFish »

Or, for guppies, check out PVAS!. Back in the day they were actually the Potomac Valley Guppy Club. I know there are still a few members working with guppies of varying strains. Aquabid can also be a great place to get fish from breeders. Good luck!
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