I picked up 15 of them yesterday, they are VERY active already and eating like pigs.
I did notice that they are staying in the top half of the tank but LOVE to play in the current. This morning when I woke up I noticed that they do sit at the very top of the tank before the lights come on.
I am probably going to move over the contents of my 20g to this tank as I am not happy with the 20 right now anyways.
After years of having medium to large fish mostly, I can honestly say that schools of fish are actually more interesting.
Dave, are these the fish you had bad luck with?
Dave, are these the fish you had bad luck with?
The other Jeff
Master of growing algae and getting better at plants
Master of growing algae and getting better at plants
Yup, they were first in the 29 upstairs, the tank i see best from the computer. Those flashing eye marks were easily visible even to my poor eyes, but the tank is a bit warm for them. I am still considering re-setting the tank to try to control the temp (currently all filtration is internal, too much waste heat) and bringing them back or getting a second set of them for up here.
Where's the fish? Neptune