Ok just flipped channels and stopped on Animal Planet most extreme.
#5 most colorful was the "Jamaican Guppy" which looks almost EXACTLY like Endlers liverbearers.
Google gives me no real info and absolutely no pictures. Is there something that I am missing or did they just misname the fish?
Confused, please answer this...
Confused, please answer this...
The other Jeff
Master of growing algae and getting better at plants
Master of growing algae and getting better at plants
I agree with Kris.krisw wrote:And, Endlers look a lot like guppies in their natural state. Guppies haven't always had those elaborate tails. If you visit the Amazonia exhibit at the National Zoo, you'll see wild guppies that you'd swear are Endlers.
I saw plenty of wild Guppies when I was on vacation in Trinidad and Tobago.
Robert Guppy who's name is credited to this fish,first collected them in Trinidad.
On a clear day you can see Venezuela from the beach were I stayed in Tobago. Endlers only come from a certain region in Venezuela . There are wild guppies in Venezuela also, but they are only where the Endlers aren't.
Wild guppies are native from Trinidad/Tobago to Guyana,Brazil and other parts of South America but I think Trinidad/ Tobago is the furthest north that they live naturally. Guppies have been introduced in nonnative places for mosquito control or by mistake. So my guess would be that these(Jamaican Guppy) are Guppies that were induced to that area.