Anubias repair?

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Jonathan Kalmes
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Post by Jonathan Kalmes »

Hey all, got a question regarding some anubias...

I got an Anubias Giagantica from someone and it was in reasonably bad shape, but had a good rhizome and root system on it. It's been growing reasonably well recently and now I'd like to make it a bit more "normal"... It's been deformed from bad care and being moved in lots of different directions (it has leaves and roots growing out from all directions on the rhizome instead of there being a definitive up and down orientation). What's the best way to reshape this thing? Whack everything off and start again with just rhizome, or selectively cut off the leaves and roots so it has a root side and a leaf side? Any other ideas?
--Jonathan (aka smthng)

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Post by RTRJR »

I've never worked with that species/cultivar. From extensive A.nana work though, including tumbled floaters, the more conservative (to me) approach you suggest of corrective rather than radical surgery works well for me. Pick an orientation and remove all the wrong-way components, then secure the poor thing until it settles down.

Large paludarium in prospect?<edited><editID>RTRJR</editID><editDate>38280.4410069444</editDate></edited>
Jonathan Kalmes
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Post by Jonathan Kalmes »

[QUOTE=RTRJR]From extensive A.nana work though, including tumbled floaters, the more conservative (to me) approach you suggest of corrective rather than radical surgery works well for me.[/quote]

Cool... I was kind of leaning that way anyway, as the gigantica variety seems to be even more "slow growing" than the rest of hte anubias family.

[quote=RTRJR]Large paludarium in prospect?[/QUOTE]

Not unless that comes with a new wife. :)
--Jonathan (aka smthng)

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Post by RTRJR »

OOPS!!! I do know that one... before Judith left on vaction, I got the word on my River Tank. Now I just need to get the spruce-up done by Sat. (I have until next Tuesday for her)
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