Hydrogen Peroxide for ALgae Control?

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Hydrogen Peroxide for ALgae Control?

Post by ricoishere »

I was on another website (See link) and came across these meeting minutes. They mentioned HP for algae control.. Has anyone ever heard of this, or done it?

http://www.njagc.net/events/meetings/me ... _01_19.htm
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Post by Sonny Disposition »

Yes. But you have to be really careful with it. There's a thread about it on the NANFA Forum. They recommed 1 ounce per ten gallons (6 teaspoons). You might want to take your favorite plants out of the tank before you treat it, just in case. I know from experience that Valisneria can't tolerate very much of it at all, and will dissolve down to stubs. There may be other types of plants that are also extra sensitive to it.

http://forum.nanfa.org/index.php/topic/ ... xperience/

I've used it as a disease treatment. It's stopped fish from scratching, when I couldn't otherwise figure out why they were scratching. And someone on the NANFA Forum said they treat fish eggs with it, to keep them from fungusing over.

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Post by PaulS »

I've tried HP. I have had better success treating algae with Flourish Excel but as with everything, you have to be carelful not to do too much.
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Post by chris_todd »

My experience was similar to Paul's; when I had some bad hair algae on some java ferns in my 20 long, I tried an HP dip (I did not add it to the tank). I also did several other things at the same time (changed lighting period, started dosing excel, did more water changes, added fast-growing floating plants) because I was more interested in solving the problem than in conducting an experiment.

So all I can say with certainty is that my HP dip killed my beautiful Windelov java fern. :oops:

Since then, I've had great success just combining excel, manual removal, and using a split photoperiod (4-5 hours on, 2-4 hours off, then 4-5 hours on again). The other thing I like about the split photoperiod is that it matches our lifestyle - the lights are on in the morning before we go to work, and in the evening until midnight when we go to bed. Granted, we're seriously messing with the fish's circadian rhythms, but I haven't noticed any obvious stress signs in the fish. Then again, I'm hardly a fish psychologist, so maybe they're completely freaked out. :lol:
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Post by ricoishere »

Thanks for all of these comments. The algae started blowing up on a new setup. The tank has pretty intense lighting (48", 8 x54W bulbs), and my fertz order had not arrived. This is how I proceeded, after I gleemed from all I've read:
-Manually removed as much algae as possible (plants & tank)
-I started my dosing also started using Excell
-As part of cleaniup creww, added 8 Ottos and 1 SAE
-For the time, lighting is 6500 on 9 hrs a day, 10000 burst is off for a couple weeks. tank is 21 tall, but those 48" 54W bulbs are BRIGHT
-Compressed CO2 being maintained at 6.5
I wil wait to use HP next week, if no improvements made.
Last edited by ricoishere on Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ingg »

That is a ridiculous amount of light, back off the lighting. No wonder it exploded in algae! :shock:

21" tall - a 75 gallon? I run 4x54 over my 75g, and can grow anything I want to.
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Post by ricoishere »

It's a 90 gallon, and since I was offered a great deal, I went for it.
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Post by ingg »

Okay, still - 4 bulbs is plenty of light. 24" depth (90g aren't 21" tall, they are 24" I think?) doesn't mean much to T5's with good reflectors - trust me on that one. ;)
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Post by ddavila06 »

question: excell is like liquid CO2 right? so a lot of people has success adding excel for the treatment of hair brush algea conbined with handpicking and limiting the amount of light. wouln't adding CO2 do the same as adding fluourish excel?
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Post by krisw »

Excel is a liquid carbon source, but it is not liquid CO2. You are correct, however, that adding more CO2 is often a good way to reduce algae problems.
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