Nano Tank Plant Choices

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Rick Dotson
Posts: 406
Joined: Mon Nov 24, 2003 3:43 am
Location: United States

Post by Rick Dotson »

Do all of the plants need to be inside the 2 1/2 gallon to qualify for the contest?

I was thinking of a bacopa biotope which be one big mass of green. Mary did not see the humor in this idea. So if the the bacopa is falling over the sides does the space count bigger than 2 1/2?
Posts: 294
Joined: Sun Mar 30, 2008 7:28 pm
Real Name: Corey W
Location: Northern VA

Post by kerokero »

Thanks Christy, that's some of the information I was looking for. I was pretty sure about the Acorus being a wet feet plant rather than aquatic, but wasn't sure.

Rick - the nano contest is using standard 2.5 gallon tanks to keep the tank part of the contest standard to make the tanks more comparable. I don't know what the larger end of the nanos really are, so even if the above plants are big for a 2.5, they could easily work in some of the larger nanos. I believe you'd want to keep the plants inside the tank ;)
Best, Corey
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